Who makes you unhappy?
Nov 25, 2024 6:21 am
#142 – Who makes you unhappy?
Of course, it's the world that makes you unhappy, when it's not how you expect it to be.
You're unhappy because your boss didn't give you that raise, your cat has fleas, your son's room is a mess, plus you have to endure Mariah Carey's songs while waiting in line at the grocery store – and it's only October!
I'm joking. It's not the world that makes you unhappy. It's you!
Well, not exactly you but your internal mental commentator – the voice that judges everything it encounters and that you've mistaken for you. Because you think it's you doing the thinking, you believe everything it thinks.
But it's not. It's just your Ego, and its only concern is to protect you from danger.
So, it sits there, in your brain's frontal cortex, deciding what to think of the world. It separates things (and people and places) into two main categories: good and bad.
Flowers? Good – accept. Smile, feel happy about them (especially if somebody gives them to you wrapped in a nice bouquet).
Mosquitoes? Bad – reject. Frown, feel annoyed and irritated. Don't find peace until there's none left. And if that doesn't happen? Be unhappy for the rest of your life – or until you move somewhere without mosquitoes.
That's called judging, and it's what your Ego spends its days (actually your days) doing.
How much longer are you willing to stay unhappy by judging what is, instead of accepting and letting it pass through you?