What's your Ego afraid of?
Mar 11, 2025 5:01 am
#247 – What's your Ego afraid of?
Your Ego fears one thing: rejection, which it equates to death. Mine does too, and so does your partner's, brother-in-law's, teacher Ms. Katherine's...
We all have an Ego. We created it when we were little by aggregating our life experiences in our minds, and listing them as either, a) makes me "rejectable," or b) makes me "acceptable."
For example, according to my mom, things that'd send anyone to category a) were:
- Wearing bangs
- Matching pink with red (and, to a lesser degree black with navy blue)
- Saying 'no' to men in power (doctors, school principals, bosses)
- Not having the perfect house to entertain high-status friends
- Not respecting social norms, even if they countered your deep-seated values
- Being less than 100% right and knowing less 100% of all there is to know about [whatever your topic/job is]
As a child, of course, I believed my mother knew everything. Thus, I programed my Ego to prevent me from incurring these grounds for "rejectability."
I came to respect these as natural boundaries. Since for the Ego rejection equals death, I assumed that trespassing these natural boundaries would be fatal. And so I complied.
Now, thanks to my ongoing inner work, I've learned to see the Ego, pulling the strings behind my forehead. I now understand it's It that is afraid of rejection (and the things that may trigger it) – not me. I am the one who sees It, so I'm clearly not It.
What will happen when you stop complying with and believing your Ego's fear-based limitations?