What would you be without judging?
Nov 26, 2024 6:31 am
#143 – What would you be without judging?
Sometimes we think that judging signals our advanced mental skills, powerful critical thinking, or deep logical reasoning.
It's not. If we think that, it's because we're believing the Ego, whose main job is to judge.
Maybe you think, as I used to, that you no longer judge––that you're over it. If that's the case, think again.
Try this: pay exquisite attention to your internal automatic reactions to the world (your Primary processes) and detect those minute movements inside...
- When you smell garbage, versus freshly baked bread.
- When you see a cockroach, versus a baby playing with her red truck, her thin hair slightly wet in the back of her head.
- When you think of someone you love, versus that former partner who ruined a client relationship and drove you out of business.
Aren't your internal attitudes different in each case?
That's because you are judging.
Now, you may ask, "but how could I change these reactions? They're just automatic!"
Yes, they're automatic because you're living on Ego-pilot.
The internal work of growth is about turning off the Ego-pilot and starting to notice instead.
When you smell garbage, think, "this is the smell of garbage." When it's freshly baked bread, "this is the smell of bread," and so on.
Over time, you'll realize that judging is unnecessary and only brings you suffering. You'll feel less attachment to things, both the pleasant and the unpleasant ones.
What will you be when you stop judging? Free.
What did you discover when you replaced judgment with curiosity?