#4––The danger of "I know"

Jul 11, 2024 11:00 am

#4––The danger of "I know"

I know/I don't know.

I've spent my whole life pursuing knowledge. Saying––and thinking––, "I know" was my badge of honor.

Whenever I don't know something I'm "supposed" to know, I feel unsure, queasy (I wrote this sentence in the past tense first but, whom am I kidding? It still happens to this day).

And when I say, "I'm supposed to know," I don't mean that I fear someone will catch me not knowing. It's a real fear of not knowing.

Like, if I don't know, how will I be able to solve this issue?

If I don't know, how will I make progress?

If I don't know, how can I believe I'll succeed?

Ha! And that's exactly the key!

I don't know and yet, I trust myself.

I don't know and yet, I believe in myself.

I don't know and yet, I know I'll succeed.

How does not knowing make you feel?


