#59 – Pain is the messenger; how do I stop suffering?

Sep 04, 2024 2:30 pm

#59 – Pain is the messenger; how do I stop suffering?

In various spiritual practices, the experience of pain is considered a wake-up call.

Pain shows up to deliver the message that we’re straying off the path of love and onto the path of fear.

What if I saw everything through the eyes of love instead of fear? What would that look like? I would:

  • see everything and everyone perfect as they already are (including myself and those who've hurt me or whom I've hurt)
  • know that my current life circumstances, however trying they might be, are here for me
  • hold no grudge or resentment against anyone because whatever happened, it happened for me (even though I didn't/don't immediately see it)
  • have no regrets, knowing that the road I didn't take wasn't the road for me at that time (maybe because I wasn't ready or because I needed to learn to make better choices)
  • be patient
  • be able to let go of emotions and behaviors that don't serve me
  • stop fighting the urge to change others and/or their behaviors

What would seeing everything through love look like for you?


