What do you need that you're avoiding?

Jan 18, 2025 5:21 am

#196 – What do you need that you're avoiding?

I'll tell you about me: for years, I moped about being a writer who didn't write – woe is me, how I suffer!

I ignored that part of myself because... I ignored that part of myself. Period. I had created my own dissatisfaction and I refused to put an end to it.

Could I? Of course I could!

"Write, if you want to write," my husband would tell me. And I'd feel like he didn't understand me – of course he, an accomplished musician, how could he understand? (Ahem! The logical flaws of my Ego's reasoning).

But did I? No. And why not? Because I was waiting for permission.

Life had to be perfect before I could start writing. The stars would have to align and the circumstance needed to be ideal for the universe to give me the go!

(And I needed something to write about – yeah, that.)

Then, one day, I signed up for a program – it was cheap and the stakes were low. And Seth Godin was involved, that too.

I started to write every day. For a week, and then two; then six months went by, and then nine, and I signed up for another six months, and then another program.

It turned out I could write. I was free to write. I did it, every day. No permission necessary, no perfect circumstances, not even relevant topics. Just "apply your ass to the chair," as Steven Pressfield would put it, and write.

And when I did, when I made the decision to respect that part of myself (whom I call "The Poet"), the ripples of dissatisfaction just disappeared.

What decision that you've been avoiding feels necessary to you now?


