How will congruence help you fend off your Money Ghosts?
Jan 09, 2025 6:56 am
#187 – How will congruence help you fend off your Money Ghosts?
Anyone who's ever attempted to create something out of their imagination has faced some form of Money Ghost.
True, some ghosts seem more related to money than others. But whatever their M.O., know that all they want for you is to stay "poor" – be it financially or creatively.
Take me, for example. I started to write a book about the circumstance my son finds himself in (in jail). I wrote two days in a row, rejoicing at my fingers flying through the keyboard. Then came the weekend, and I had to decide: do I write or do I not write, since it takes me almost two hours each way to commute to and from my coffee-machine selling job? I chose not to, for said reason.
On Monday morning, the Ghost of Physical Ailments showed up: you're so tired, it whispered in my ear, stroking my hair with its warm palm.
Later in the day, I was visited by the odd couple: the Ghost of Give Our Time Away and the Ghost of Time Indifference. The former urged me to go to the internet and find stuff about stuff related to something unrelated to my book. The latter, while filing its nails, agreed, telling me, no worries, you have infinite time, you'll get to write later... or someday!
I threw my hands up in the air and asked my husband if he wanted to go for a walk – if I wasn't going to write, at least do something fun! I'd write after my afternoon meditation session, while my husband made a marinara sauce for dinner and watched a movie.
Once I was done meditating, before I could open the writing app, the Ghost of Idea Deflection grabbed my ear. Really?, it asked, You're gonna start writing so late in the day?
And nodding the whole time, from the back of my mind, was the Ghost of Misplaced Shame: will you let everyone know that your only son is in jail? Doesn't that speak volumes to what an awful mother you are?
So, yes: for two days, the Ghosts prevailed and I didn't made progress on the book.
But today, I come back to my commitment to myself, as an act of self-congruence.
I'm a writer, and writers write, even when it's painful, scary, and difficult.
I know I'm afraid of the pain I encounter every time I write about my son. His green eyes and curly hair. I remember him running, with the most beautiful smile I've ever seen, happy as one can be, willing to enjoy life to the max. And how can I stand this?
But if I'm congruent with my truth, I have to write, because I have the inspiration to create something meaningful out of this absurd circumstance. To be congruent now requires that I tell this story.
So, next time the Ghosts show up, I'll tell them, "Thank you for trying to protect me, but I'm a writer and writers write, even when it's painful."
Who knows if I'll become rich in money – but I will in creativity and truth.
What Ghosts will you fend off by staying true to yourself?