What was the happiest moment of your life?
Dec 07, 2024 12:31 pm
#154 – What was the happiest moment of your life?
If you don't answer, like the Dalai Lama did when he was asked the same question, "Now," you have an opportunity for growth.
We tend to think that the "happiest moments" are those when something extraordinary happened. Like the moment the midwife placed my son on my chest for a few seconds when he was born, or when I got my first six-figure job offer in New York City, or when I defended my PhD thesis in front of the board.
But that is a wildly reductionist view: only peak experiences count, and the rest of life is just the lull while we wait for them.
It also creates dissonance when the experiences we go through don't match our expectations of "peak," and so we get sad, angry, or despondent.
If, on the contrary, we live in the moment fully, like the Dalai Lama, embracing loving joy as our default state, we can be happy all the time, even when external events or circumstances appear not so great.
Now, I'm not suggesting we put on a mask and suppress our feelings, no. Feelings are natural and we need to experience them all if we're going to release them. Otherwise, we'll keep carrying them around, blocking our hearts from the possibility of joy.
Happiness is not about chasing extraordinary moments, but about finding extraordinary presence in ordinary ones. It's about breathing into each experience, letting emotions flow, and recognizing that life's richness is its constant unfolding.
I wish you a day full of moment-to-moment happiness.
Are you ready to experience every moment without judgment or expectation?