#41–Who inspires you to expand youself?

Aug 17, 2024 6:05 am

#41–Who inspires you to expand yourself?

My son (19) started his first real job on Monday, and because it's a sales job, I was nervous about how he'd be able to deal with rejection.

I'd been coaching him a little before he started–"don't take it personally" type of stuff.

When he finally got back home Monday night and we asked him how it'd gone, he said, with a big smile, "Muy bien" [very well].

What he felt most proud of was how he'd handled his first rejection (minutes after starting).

A prospect had told him, "Your pitch sucks, man!"

To which my son responded, "ok," and hung up.

"I didn't want to waste my time," he said. "If this guy thought my pitch sucked," he continued, "I just wanted to get rid of him as fast as I could and call the next person on the list."

That is freaking confidence! That is determination. Right there! Commitment to himself and his goal of making money right from the beginning.

His determination and unwavering confidence in himself made me want to expand myself–which is ironic because my coach mission statement is, "I am the energy that helps people expand possibility."

Who in your life has inspired you to expand yourself?



PS: If you'd like to talk more about how money ghosts hold us back, click here to set up a 15-minute chat. I'm not offering coaching programs at this time, but I could speak at your event, write a guest article on your magazine/blog, or be a guest on your podcast.
