#39–How does the Ghost of Time Indifference keep you stuck?

Aug 15, 2024 6:15 am

#39–How does the Ghost of Time Indifference keep you stuck?

You want something very badly. And yet, you don't take action. Sounds familiar?

Take me, for example.

Once I decided to close my business and committed to building wealth instead of merely trading time for money, I generated a lot of ideas.

One of them was to sell solar energy systems.

I went for it because it aligns with my values and purpose in life:

  1. to have a positive impact on the planet and my community
  2. to set people up for success (financial, in this case)

And yet.

It's been two weeks since I signed up and every day I come up with dozens of actions I could be taking, people I could be reaching out to, social medial posts I could be creating.

And yet.

I. Haven't. Started.


Because the Ghost of Time Indifference is playing tricks in my mind. It's telling me, "It's too soon; you need more time to get ready."

The truth is, it doesn't want me to leave the bubble of "barely getting by" because it's the familiar place–it feels safe. That's why it keeps giving me reasons not to move.

Because the GoTI is afraid of being left behind, so it tricks me into fearing my own success.

How have you overcome fear of success?



PS: If you'd like to talk more about how money ghosts hold us back, click here to set up a 15-minute chat. I'm not offering coaching programs at this time, but I could speak at your event, write a guest article on your magazine/blog, or be a guest on your podcast.
