#47 – How generous are you... in receiving?

Aug 23, 2024 5:50 am

#47 – How generous are you... in receiving?

Most people love giving.

It makes us feel generous, expansive, thoughtful.

The warmth in our heart when our niece opens her gift and we see her face light up.

The sense of pride when we provide a colleague with the precise information they needed to accomplish something critical.

The metaphorical pat on our shoulder when we compliment a writer on their piece and can see we've made their day (just sayin').

If we know how beautiful a feeling giving provides, why are we sometimes so stingy when it's our turn to receive?

Again, it's our Ego – that part of us that only cares about survival.

If we can give, it means we have ample resources, so much so that we can share with others. The Ego feels safe. Satisfied.

But when we receive, the Ego doubts itself. Does this mean we don't have enough? it asks. Are we in danger?

And just in case, it urges us to reject the gift – or to make it seem unimportant, or at least unnecessary.

"Thank you, but you didn't need to do this."

Or, when we're offered help (if it's not a contemptuous offer): "Yeah, no, I know."

Or, when we're given a compliment, "Oh, well. I don't know. Did you really like it? I don't know. I think it has too many words."

The day I realized how stingy I was in receiving and decided to become generous, I noticed a shift.

Gradually, hearing feedback and asking for help or advice became easier. My perfectionistic tendencies decreased. I asked more questions. And all my relationships became closer and more fun.

If you want to amp up your generosity, receive with an open heart. That's the best gift you can give anyone.

Who's the most generous receiver you've ever met?


