#50 – What makes the Ghost of Idea Deflection go to work?

Aug 26, 2024 5:35 am

#50 – What makes the Ghost of Idea Deflection go to work?

When we don't question our thoughts, we keep thinking them without being aware. We think them every day, multiple times a day, but we don't know we're doing it.

Over time, repeated thoughts turn into beliefs. And because we don't remember the first time we had them, we assume they're the truth. Something unescapable, like, "the sun rises every day."

Let's say I have the thought, "Wealth is not for me" and don't ask myself whether it's true.

After a while, I believe it's true. A fact. An unescapable truth.

So, next time I come in contact with the possibility of building wealth for myself, the unquestioned thought, now a belief, flashes in the back of my mind. Like a warning sign for an invisible pilot – the Ghost of Idea Deflection (GoID).

While I'm living my life, believing that I make my decisions out of my free will, the GoID stands up and walks towards the helm, adjusting its white cap. It takes the helm and, ever so slightly, shifts the tiller.

And what do I end up doing?

I avoid wealth.

Should I take job A or job B, which pays $50K more? The answer's obvious: take whatever pays the least because "wealth is not for me."

I have this brilliant idea for a business that could potentially turn into a $1M business. Nah, forget it, because "wealth is not for me."

I'm going to quit this high-paying job instead of applying myself to excel at it and continuing to learn because it's too difficult for me and would take too much effort. Yes, great idea, because "wealth is not for me."

Now, what if I followed the four steps to create a new belief, like, say, "wealth is for me?"

What new belief do you want to create?


