#67 – Who needs to understand?

Sep 11, 2024 6:30 am

#67 – Who needs to understand?

Last evening, I took a walk with my husband by the beach.

The tropical rain caught us when we were as far from home as we could be. We took refuge under the South Pointe Cafe pergola and decided to wait a bit, our hopeful eyes wanting to see the sky less gray over the bay.

But after 30 minutes, when the rain still hadn’t stopped, we decided to keep walking.

As we waded through the flooded roads and curbsides, trying to avoid stepping into manholes and other irregularities, I heard a voice in my head asking, “Why is this happening?”

I laughed at the absurdity of trying to find a reason for why this (getting soaked in the rain during hurricane season in South Florida) was happening. And happening precisely to me— as though there had to be some hidden lesson or message I needed to receive.

Then I realized that our need to understand is what keeps us from acceptance.

Trying to understand is like saying, "Ok, but..." to life. It’s like listening at Level 2 instead of just living full-on.

And it’s acceptance, not understanding, that leads us to peace. I always think of this poem by Dorothy Hunt: Peace is this moment without judgment.”

When have you overcome your need to understand and found peace on the other side?


