Get 50+ Resources TODAY

Jun 12, 2024 11:25 pm


Who doesn’t enjoy a great fair, ?

The best ones have lots of booths with original items.

I’d like to invite you to my friend and CEO and Founder of Ace Cookie Tutoring, Jessyka Coulter’s, Summer Learning Resource Fair.

It’s a great opportunity for you to check out resources galore! There are over 50 to choose from for only $15 USD. The event is 100% virtual, and I can’t wait for you to check out my resource.

Besides not having to be in the heat, the prices are great, too. The resources are free for the asking. Download one, 10, or ALL of them! 

Learning happens year-round. The resources at the fair are for you, your teens, and/or for you to do WITH your teen. Whether you want to keep your teen from boredom or you want to find some time for you again, be sure to join me at the Summer Learning Resource Fair:

Click Here!

Extra sleep is great when you can get it, but trying something new can give you a different perspective. Change your budget, try a new craft, or write a piece of fiction with the interactive resources being offered by contributors like me.

Whether you select one resource or fifty, I hope you’ll come. Learning is for everyone.

Buy Your Ticket Here

With love and gratitude,

