When you can no LONGER Ignore Your Health!
Aug 10, 2022 12:01 pm
Hello Dear Friends,
How are you doing?
I hope you're well.
Yesterday I talked to you about how we can be conditioned to take holidays in certain seasons and why that was DANGEROUS.
Today I want to share about what happens when you IGNORE the signs of your own mental health, physical and emotional health.
You may have heard about the concept of Government SHUTDOWN, if you're in the States or a STRIKE if you're in the UK and in both cases everything comes to a STOP!
In those cases it seems obvious and the pains are real for all to see!
But yet when it comes to our own HEALTH, there can be symptoms that seem bearable like:
❌ A lack of focus or concentration
❌ A lack of energy
❌ A lethargic feeling
❌ A loss of motivation
And these all seem tolerable. But here's the thing when ignore the small signs, we think that we're doing ourselves a favour because you know we haven't actually reached The CRISIS POINT!
This a BIG MISTAKE, because when you miss the memo and "keep calm and carry on" what you eventually get is a "TAKE DOWN". What is that?
Well that is when your BODY decides it's had ENOUGH and it -
Incapacitates YOU
It says, "No More" and you literally FEEL so unwell and You can't actually do anything!
You are forced to STOP:
And I used to allow myself to be "Taken Down", because it seemed tolerable. Until one day I decided that my health and my wellbeing was more important than all the other things I kept putting first.
I decided I didn't have to accept a reduced quality of life. I could be proactive and take action.
I'm inviting the Senior Women on the list to come, and bring a friend to the virtual online Burnout Masterclasses in September. Or if you're a Male Leader refer a Senior Woman to our Sessions because in order to maintain thriving, engaged and productive teams, wellness is Important. And yes we're open to a global participation!
For more info click: HERE
Hit reply and let me know when were you last taken out and did you see the signs coming? What are you going to do differently next time?
Have a great day ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛