Human Google shares 5 Ways to Thrive in the Hybrid-Working environment
Feb 09, 2022 12:31 pm
Hello Dear Friends,
How are you doing?
I am well. Yesterday, I was unwell and so I took most of the day off. The old me would have waited until I got steadily worse until I was forced to take the day off! I'm growing that muscle that is helping me to put my health first. Because that is the woman that I want to be, one that priorities her health.
In this week's edition of Human Google, I'm talking about how to thrive in the Hybrid-working environment. Today I'm going to share 3 tips and invite you to join us for this month's Masterclass. Which is complementary to anyone joining live, my Masterclass 5 Simple Secrets to thrive in the hybrid-working environment.
Check out my bonus tips noted below:
1 Plan your movements & include space to be flexible
Because you'll be working both at home and in an office, planning your movements is essential. Giving yourself the opportunity to be flexible and to change your plans to maximise connection, collaboration and opportunities.
2 Asses if your connectivity and Internet needs to be upgraded
When working from home and doing so for the long-term, it's always a good idea to check if you need to upgrade your internet or switch providers to get a better service.
3 You are Unique & We're All Human!
Find the right balance of hybrid-working that works for your personal circumstances. Speak with your manager or HR if you feel you need to make adjustments.
I hope that Feb is going well for you so far. Feel free to check out my 5 Ways to Thrive in the Hybrid-Working Environment checklist: HERE
Have a great day ahead!
Warm Regards,
P.S. Do you want the Q1 HR Secrets Boxset which includes the Burnout Masterclass? Message me with "Q1 Boxset" HERE to get the details.