Does your Company encourage an Abundant Money Mindset with your employees? (Financial Wellbeing)
Jan 11, 2022 12:31 pm
Hello Dear Friends,
How are you doing? Are you feeling abundant with your money mindset this month? Or has the excess from Christmas and the Holidays got you worried about money? You and your employees may be thinking about the scarcity of money this month.......
Well, that's the topic for this newsletter, how can you help yourself and your employees with financial wellbeing? First I'd like to make the case for why it's important to support your employees with financial wellbeing. Here are my top 3 reasons:
1 According to Money and Mental Health Institute, "a quarter of the UK workforce are, to some extent, experiencing financial insecurity."
2 According to Aegon, "Those on high incomes are more likely to have thought about what makes their lives enjoyable than those on low incomes." (Think here, about the "Great Resignation" or "Awakening" or potentially your talent drain!)
3 According to the Money and Pensions Service, "59% of employees say that current financial worries prevent them from performing at their best."
So it's pretty clear to me that it's a sound investment to provide information, support or advice to your employees on financial wellbeing. Here are 3 ways to support your employees with financial wellbeing.
1 Demystify getting help or support with financial issues
Simply provide access to educational financial resources for dealing with common money worries like debt, pensions, and credit card borrowing. You can provide links to trustworthy government organisations or charities. For example in the the UK, The Money Advice Service provides reputable financial information.
2 Pensions & Retirement
Most of your employees like most of the population find thinking about and understanding their pension options bewildering! You can provide links to trustworthy government organisations or charities. For example in the UK, Pensionwise provides reputable financial information.
3 Bonus Payments & Pay Increases!
It would be remiss of me not to mention that you can consider whether performance, or bonus payments, and pay increases can be provided to your employees, through a managed and fair process.
And finally, the first of the HR Secrets MasterClasses will be happening on 25th Jan 7pm-8:30pm UK time. So save the date!
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In the next newsletter I'll be looking at your weekly HR trends and insights for 2022.
Until, we next meet again in this space: Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Marvellous, Back Yourself and be Your No.1 Cheerleader!
Warm Regards,