HR Human Google brings you the insights on "Plugging your Talent Drain"
Jan 19, 2022 12:31 pm
Hello Dear Friends,
How are you doing?
Today in your second newsletter this week, I will be using this newsletter to share insights on HR trends and topics. Bringing you the best of what's out there on the topic of today, which is "Plugging your Talent Drain". You cannot fail to have heard of "The Great Resignation or The Great Awakening." We are very much in an age where employees and your future talent want to work with organisations that match their values. In addition to valuing them as humans. You give them the flexibility to work in their own unique way that allows them to have work life balance and be most productive. There is a real move away from all having to do it the same, but a recognition that your employees are talented and should be empowered to work in the way that allows them to be most productive.
So today, I'm going to be sharing with you my insights and a round-up on the best insights on "Plugging your Talent Drain" focussing on 4 key areas. See the list noted below:
1 Employees are looking for regular career progression conversations:
We all want an easy life! The same applies to your employees when they are thinking about career management. They want to hear the opportunities that your organisation has for them to advance, learn and to develop within your organisation.
According to Natural HR, "Only 39% of employers were planning to have regular conversations about career opportunities with their staff." I'm getting a sinking feeling here! I also say to clients it's their responsibility to ask for career opportunities. If you make it easier for employees to understand promotion opportunities, up-skilling or development opportunities, the tide might just begin to turn!
Read the full article: HERE
2 Employees want you to create your own "remote-working culture", which brings your people together:
Hybrid-working has created both opportunities and challenges. One of those challenges is building a "remote-working team spirit" and bringing people together over the VC. What is your organisation doing to encourage team-bonding, and human connection in your teams?
According to Hppy, employees want a "stimulating and positive working environment".
Read the full article: HERE
3 Are you doing 360 degree feedback with your Managers?:
I'm sure you've heard the common saying, people don't leave jobs, they "leave bad managers". It's worth checking the data to see if your "talent drain" is coming from a particular team or business unit. Do your due diligence and investigate with a methodical and fair process to understand what the root of the problem is. It may not be as simple as a "bad manager" but a set of un-ideal circumstances which are causing a "talent drain" from a particular team.
Read the full article: HERE
4 Employees want to feel valued and understood:
As a Career Coach, I have clients often remark to me that they do not feel valued at work and this is what is making them consider making a move. One thing I would like to shout to the rooftop is that employee rewards need not be expensive. One of the most simple and proven reward techniques is public praise and "a sincere thank you!"
It would be remiss of me to say that would suffice. Of course your reward strategy should consist of a number of different elements that rewards your employee as an individual.
According to Maddyness, "Recognition leads to higher levels of productivity and retention, and recent surveys show that 82% of employees report being happier at work when their accomplishments are recognised. In turn, this leads to less burnout and turnover while creating a better place to work for everyone."
For their full list of employee recognition tips check it out: HERE
If you would like to discuss any of the issues highlighted in this email, please hit reply to this email with the words "Plug the Talent Drain!".
Until next time, I hope these insights help your organisation to value and to retain your employees.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛
P.S. Join us for The 7 Secrets for Tackling Burnout from a Burnout Survivor, on 25th Jan, 7pm - 8:30pm.