Wellness Leader's Circle - Save the Date 16th Feb - Are you joining Us?
Feb 01, 2022 12:31 pm
Hello Dear Friends,
How are you doing?
If I am honest, after working hard to deliver my Masterclass on Burnout, I didn't realise how hard I had been working in Jan, until I was exhausted on Friday last week and decided to take Monday off as my Second Wellbeing Day Off.
I'd like to talk about "Wellness". What does "Wellness mean to you personally?" I mean yes, we tend to think of "Wellness" as being:
✅Good Diet
✅Good Physical Health
✅Good Mental Health
✅What society tells us is GOOD for YOU?? ❌
So to refer to this last point. What is "Good for YOU", is not good for everyone else. What I mean is by the same way I don't like nuts, but that's "good for me", you may not like bananas! I met with Ben the Managing Director of Well Being People, last week who made me challenge my own perception of what does wellness mean to me personally!
I'd like to share with you the details of the Wellness Leader's Circle in more detail and invite you to join us in this free monthly session. Details below:
Date: 16th Feb
Time: 12pm-1pm (London, UK Time)
Format: Virtual via Zoom
Frequency: 1 per month - Replay only available if you signup!
Purpose: The purpose of the Leaders Wellbeing Circle is for Leaders like you to engage in wellbeing practices such as gratitude, affirmations, and positive intention setting in addition to getting the wisdom of our wellness expert who will give a short 20 min talk. Followed by Q&A and networking/reflection.
If you would like any further information about how to join us for our first event, please hit reply with "I'd love to join!"
Until, we next meet again in this space: Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Marvellous, Back Yourself and be Your No.1 Cheerleader!
Warm Regards,
P.S. Do you want the Q1 HR Secrets Boxset which includes the Burnout Masterclass? Message me with "Q1 Boxset" HERE to get the details.