Q2 Checkin - How's it going for you?
May 04, 2022 11:31 am
Hello Dear Friends,
How are you doing?
I am doing well.
I can't believe it's May!
So today, I wanted to check in on how your Q2 is going and to share 3 things help you keep focussed and aligned with your Q2 goals. See below:
1 Do have a clear understanding of your WHY for this quater?
What I mean by this is, is are you aligned and anchored around why it is important for you to achieve and work towards your Q2 goals.
What does it mean in terms of:
- Finance
- Going beyond your comfort zone - Growth
- For your family
- For the planet
2 What have you committed to do in relation to your financial wellbeing for Q2?
What I mean by this is, what are you doing to clear debt, create a better relationship with money for yourself or to earn more money? Looking after your financial wellbeing along with our health can be one of the most challenging things. So start small and decide what is your smallest action to move towards better financial wellbeing?
3 What was your biggest learning from Q1 and how you use it to do Q2 differently?
Now that Q1 is gone. You've got the data or your results! How are you going to act upon those results to do it differently for Q2?
What's 1 thing that you will do differently in Q2?
I'm excited to share with you my up-coming Masterclasses schedule! So please stay tuned for more info on this month's Masterclass. See below the dates of the up-coming Masterclasses for this quater. Save the dates!
I hope you have a great day ahead.
Warm Regards,
Ekua 💛
P.S. Final call to watch the Masterclass replay! It's gone on 5th May. If you too would like to watch the replay. You can do so: HERE