Exclusive: Fast Action Bonus for The 7 Secrets for Tackling Burnout from a Burnout Survivor Masterclass

Jan 14, 2022 12:31 pm

Hello Dear Friends,

How are you doing?

Today, I've popped into your inbox to tell you that as mailing-list subscribers you get first priority and access to my Fast Action Bonuses for my Masterclasses.

My first Masterclass of this year will be on Burnout, a topic that is ever prevalent as we navigate this Covid-19 hybrid-working environment. Now more than ever we need to be more mindful of:

  • Screen Time
  • The Push notifications for socials, email and everything!
  • Addiction to the digital devices
  • The damage it does to our relationships, our mental health and our lives

I'm going to keep this short, if you're excited by this topic and want to act now you'll be rewarded.

If you're ready to grab your seat and fast action bonus, do it: HERE

Hit reply and let me know when you've signed up and I'll let you know if you can claim one of my 4 Fast Action Bonus of my "Daily Digital Detox Checklist".

Have a wonderful weekend.

Warm Regards,

Ekua ðŸ’›
