Forget this I'm leaving!

Apr 19, 2022 2:31 pm

Hello Dear Friends,

How are you doing?

I am well. I enjoyed a good Easter break, with visits to both sets of parents and a house viewing. We're in the process of finding our dream home as we've recently sold our current one.

As I shared in the last newsletter, the next Masterclass will be on Cultural Identity and Career Progression.

This article about the Youngest Black Goldman Sachs Partner is leaving after 2 years to start his own fund. Read the article: HERE

We have to ask why?

  • If the culture was right would he have stayed?
  • If he felt that he could truly change the "systemic issues" would he have stayed?
  • If he felt the company values were right would he have stayed?
  • If he could make the right impact would he have stayed?

And if you'd like to join us for this month's Masterclass, save the date:

Date: 27th April

Time: 7pm-8:30pm UK Time

Hit reply and share your thoughts on what you think made the Black Rising Star at Goldman Sachs leave?

Have a great week ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛

P.S. Join us at the Global Inclusion Forum, where I will be speaking on "Why saying "No" is empowering to thrive in hybrid-working environment on 20th May.
