Do you take REST Seriously?

Aug 09, 2022 12:01 pm

Hello Dear Friends,

How are you doing?

I hope you're well.

It's August and it's summer. A time when people tend to take holidays, spend time with their family and friends and slow down a little.

Do you think that holidays should be taken in certain seasons?

Summer - Aug

Spring - April

Winter - Dec

And it can be easy to think that this is when you should take holidays.

This thinking is DANGEROUS.

Why is that so?

Because it makes you feel, do and ignore these things until those season:

❌ Stress

❌ Illness

❌ Burnout

❌ Mental Health

Because if you're waiting to those months to take holiday, then you could be ignoring your mental, physical and mental health in order to wait for a "holiday window".

Have you ever considered this?

In the next email tomorrow I'm going to talk what It was like to experience a major episode of Burnout and what I now do differently.

The first 3 people to hit reply and let me know what they notice about which months they take holiday and why will get access to my incredible 1 Page Stress Overcomer before it gets added to a paid Wellness Bundle.

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
