When was the last time you said "Yes" to something unexpected?

May 17, 2022 11:31 am

Hello Dear Friends,

How are you doing?

LinkedIn can feel overwhelming and sometimes painful! And yet as with everything in life and in the digital world, we need to be careful with our energy and be discerning. And yet we also need to be open to opportunity at the same time!

There are no easy answers here. What I will say if it feels right and you don't have any reservations, then give it a try.

I'd like to share a quick story. A connection of mine on LinkedIn who I've never met in person reached out to me and invited me meet with her and someone she holds in high esteem. It was unexpected and it seemed random to me. I decide not to overthink it and said, "Yes" to the in person meetup. And then a week later, I had to say, "No to the in person meetup". That wasn't the end of the story! I decided to take the initiative and reach out to the person I had been introduced too and ask if he had time for a 30 min video chat.

And now I feel great, that I did not let a good opportunity go, because my circumstances changed. You can read the full story: HERE

I'm so excited about this month's Masterclass, The 5 Secrets for Mastering Feedback without Unconscious Bias. Get your tickets: HERE!

Have a great day ahead.

Warm Regards,

Ekua 💛
