On May 5th, the night of the full moon and a full lunar eclipse, Aingeal Rose gave a planetary update look into our future for May.
On May 5th, the night of the full moon and a full lunar eclipse, Aingeal Rose gave a planetary update look into our future for May.
In a revealing interview with Penny Kelly, Ahonu & Aingeal Rose discuss ETs, energetic upgrades, consciousness, healing, the future, and more!
Following Aingeal Rose and Penny Kelly's recent hospitalization, Ahonu asks was it some form of upgrade, a death sentence, or simply a life-threatening natural illness.
Despite many asking are we there yet, Ahonu has an experience of us all entering the 5th Dimension and suggests awareness of the 7 planes of existence.
Aingeal Rose was taken into hosptial at 4am on Tuesday morning with severe dizziness, nausea, high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. The staff at Sedona Emergency Medical Center were superb in their care for her. MRI was negative. Much grat...
Ahonu & Aingeal Rose interview Debra Bruce about her ability to speak Light Language revealed from her dark night of the soul.
Happy Month! Coming Up fast - Reflections In Consciousness, Book Writing Webinar, Launch of The Angel Of The Forest: A Journey Of Twin Flame Love & Destiny, and more!
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu express deep gratitude for their lives and give praise to the landscape of Sedona for its inspiration.
Aingeal Rose & Ahonu present the true love story sent to us by Margaret Gallagher who says, "Love is a choice you make, and a gift you give!"
So many people are afraid of the future. They're in fear of pandemics, fear of government policy, fear of war. They're in fear of the poisoning of food, of having no water. Others have said there's too much water.