Egypt makes Aingeal Rose recall a past life memory of being in the Royal household. Covid-19 prevented us finding the source of the Egypt memory.
Egypt makes Aingeal Rose recall a past life memory of being in the Royal household. Covid-19 prevented us finding the source of the Egypt memory.
Fear Of The Future is a short extract from a discussion between Aingeal Rose & Ahonu while on a road trip.
The Darkroom of Love - The Number of Love, Overcoming Reincarnation and the realizations of Ahonu about Love.
Forgiveness is presented by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu. It is the 6th and final one in a series from the Help-Is-Here project.
In Love, Miracles & Original Creation, Aingeal Rose probes the Akashic Records to give us in-depth information about Consciousness, the Brain, Time, Dimensions, God, Creation, Love, Miracles, Reality and much more.
In Love, Miracles & Original Creation, Aingeal Rose probes the Akashic Records to give us in-depth information about Consciousness, the Brain, Time, Dimensions, God, Creation, Love, Miracles, Reality and much more.
The Gift of the Present Moment is presented by Aingeal Rose & Ahonu. It is the 4th in a series from the Help Is Here project.
Tunnel of Light - This is the 3rd episode to help navigate these times and get through what we're going through. This is about going through the tunnel of light.
Destiny - opportunity! This is the 2nd episode to help navigate these times and get through what we're going through. This is about destiny and opportunity.
Help Is Here - Visualize Blue Light! I got a hit of Royal Blue light and that Royal Blue light was the color of peace, and with that, I was immediately transported to a higher place.