Lewy Body Dementia: A Complex Illness Unravels Deep Family Bonds with Susan Landeis

Mar 19, 2025 11:01 am


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Welcome back to our newsletter! We're excited to share our latest podcast episode featuring Susan Landeis, author of "In Search of Rainbows: A daughter's story of loss, hope, and redemption." In this heartfelt conversation, Susan opens up about her journey of caring for her mother with Lewy Body Dementia, a role she embraced despite past relationship challenges. Susan is a member of our management team and board of directors, responsible for our social media graphics and coordinating the Custom Caregiver Collections.


Key Takeaways:

  • Rediscovering Relationships: Susan’s story beautifully illustrates how caregiving can lead to unexpected healing and forgiveness, even in the most strained family dynamics.
  • Finding Community: When Susan identified as a caregiver, she discovered the immense support available online and through organizations like AlzAuthors, providing her comfort during lonely times.
  • Personal Growth: Through her caregiving journey, Susan learned the importance of looking beyond surface behaviors to understand the deeper battles individuals might be facing.

Join us in breaking the silence and stigma around dementia. Listen to Susan's inspiring story and see how it can resonate with your own journey. Find the episode and more caregiver resources at AlzAuthors.com.

Listen to podcast and read blog post

Watch on YouTube!

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In Case You Missed It . . .

In this deeply insightful episode of the AlzAuthors Podcast, Marianne and Christy engage in a comprehensive discussion with four of our authors about the long-term impact of caregiving for someone with Alzheimer's or other dementia. The conversation revolves around the multifaceted challenges caregivers face, including the emotional toll, physical strain, financial burdens, and social isolation.


Each panelist shares their unique caregiving journey, illustrating the diverse experiences and universal themes that caregivers encounter:

  • Loretta Woodward Veney highlights the complex emotions intertwined with caring for her mother while navigating personal losses.
  • Jean Lee discusses the overwhelming sense of guilt and responsibility she felt during her caregiving years with her parents.
  • Ann Campanella reflects on her journey, balancing caregiving for her mother with personal grief and finding solace in writing.
  • Dave Iverson discusses balancing work and managing finances while caring for his mother.

Listen to podcast and read blog post

Watch on YouTube

imageThis special episode is our contribution to Podcasthon, a global collaboration of podcasters to raise awareness of their favorite charities March 15-21. Our favorite charity is us. We are a 501 (c) (3) organization. Please be generous. Donate at AlzAuthors.com.

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Jean Lee Guests on Lament of Hope Podcast with Danielle Richardson


Jean Lee, a founder of AlzAuthors and author of the memoir, "Alzheimer's Daughter," sat down to talk with Danielle Richardson of Lament of Hope podcast about her story and how her life has been impacted by writing a memoir and helping to found AlzAuthors.com. "Alzheimer's Daughter" is a raw and moving account of a daughter caught in the tension of wanting to honor her parents while also needing to address their worsening mental and physical abilities.

Watch on YouTube!

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AlzAuthors Featured on Make Your Day Richer TV


Marianne Sciucco recently appeared on Make Your Day Richer TV with Richard Wilmore, and talks about her dementia journey, the founding of AlzAuthors, and its mission.

Watch on YouTube!

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Coming Up for Book Club


Please join us for a discussion of Debra Tann's "The Race of Dementia." The title of the book serves as a double entendre. First, there is a race for a cure. Second, there is evidence that suggests Blacks and Latinos will make up nearly 40% of the 8.4 million American families affected by Alzheimer’s. Hence, it is literally The Race of Dementia.

Debra says, "My book emphasizes the question, who cares for the caregiver? What is more, the book addresses the age-old conundrum of race as it relates to the health care system. Disparities such as poverty, unequal access to health care, lack of education, and stigmas are underlying factors of health inequities."

Readers say:

"This is a great book that covers the many important topics of dementia. It provides colorful stories of those touched by dementia. It is written with hope and optimism knowing it will take all of us to raise awareness of dementia- together we are better. It is also a great resource for nursing students and provides interactive scenarios for great discussion."

"This read has opened my eyes to the many struggles associated with dementia (and related diseases), and need for caregivers to take time to care for themselves. Before The Race of Dementia, I never placed much thought on how important it was for me (a caregiver) to give myself permission to take a break... take a breath... take a minute, and not feel guilty about doing so."

Learn more about Debra

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Buy the book

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ο»ΏIn celebration of our 10th anniversary, we published a news release telling our story and outlining our plans for this momentous year. Here it is. Please share this with your family, friends, followers and contacts in dementia care.

Thank you.

Read here

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Take a Chance on Our 10th Anniversary Book Giveaway!


Enter now!

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ο»Ώ2025 Books & Chit Chat, Podcasts, and AlzAuthors Live! Virtual Events


4/2 - NEW AUTHOR: David Bredbenner, Going Home, A Journey with Dementia, a memoir of caring for a mother

4/22 - Books & Chit Chat with Marita Golden. The Wide Circumference of Love, a novel

4/29 - AlzAuthors Live!: National Poetry Month Virtual Poetry Reading

5/7 - NEW AUTHOR: Carol Steinberg, Come Grandpa Meow, Let’s Fly, an illustrated children's book

5/27 - Books & Chit Chat with Peter Berry and Deb Bunt, Slow Puncture: Living Well with Dementia, a memoir, and Walk With Me: Musing Through the Dementia Fog, poetry

6/4 - NEW AUTHOR: Alfredo Botello

6/24 - Books & Chit Chat with Jean Lee, Alzheimer’s Daughter, a caring for two parents memoir

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Love Podcasts?


If you enjoy listening to podcasts, check out the resources for caregivers on the Whole Care Network's Streaming Radio App. You'll discover a number of informative and inspirational podcasts dedicated to the caregiving journey.

Available in the Apple store and Google Play.

Disclaimer: Our Untangling Alzheimer's and Dementia podcast is supported by the Whole Care Network.

Get it here

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Susan's Design of the Week


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Caregivers make a difference in the lives of others and share their own personal experiences within hundreds of stories and trusted resources to support and encourage others on the #dementia journey. You are not alone!  https://alzauthors.com/

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Thursday, April 3rd at 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET: Positive Approach to Care founder and dementia care expert Teepa Snow returns for her bi-annual β€œAsk Teepa Anything” to answer Being Patient readers’ questions in real-time. RSVP to this Live Talk to get your dementia caregiving questions answered.

WHEN: Thursday, April 3rd at 1 p.m. PT/4 p.m. ET: 

WHERE: Being Patient’s Facebook page

RSVP here!

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Thank you for supporting our mission to

connect caregivers with resources.


Your Management Team


L to R: Vicki Tapia, Ann Campanella, Christy Byrne Yates,

Marianne Sciucco, Susan Landeis, and Jean Lee

How to reach us:

Marianne Sciucco: podcast host/producer


Jean Lee: acquisitions editor, Custom Caregiver Collections


Vicki Tapia: acquisitions editor, children's books


Ann Campanella: Custom Caregiver Collections


Susan Landeis: Custom Caregiver Collections


Christy Byrne Yates: podcast host/producer, YouTube channel manager


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