The Art of Alzheimer's: Marilyn Raichle on Finding Hope, Laughter, and Love

Mar 05, 2025 12:31 am


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Ever wonder if there's more to an Alzheimer's journey than sorrow and loss? Meet Marilyn Raichle, author of "Don't Walk Away: A Care Partner's Journey," who discovered a world of joy, connection, and art with her mom who had Alzheimer's.

Growing up, Marilyn and her siblings were told to "just walk away" if their parents developed Alzheimer's. But life had other plans when her mom started showing symptoms. Instead of walking away, Marilyn became the family caregiver. At first, she struggled. But everything changed when she took her mom to a painting class for those with memory loss. Her mom's art was not just beautiful but a revelation. It showed Marilyn that her mom was still vibrant and full of life.

The weekly art classes turned into a new bond. It wasn’t just about managing symptoms anymore; it was about discovery. Through art, Marilyn saw her mom's wit, humor, and creativity shine, breaking all her preconceived notions about dementia. With every brush stroke, Marilyn's mom painted a new narrative. Instead of seeing what was lost, Marilyn began to see what was THERE—a loving, funny, and insightful woman she grew to love even more.


In this episode, you will:

  • Discover the therapeutic benefits of art for those with Alzheimer's and how it can enhance their well-being.
  • Navigate the caregiving journey with dementia by learning effective strategies and finding support.
  • Uncover the impact of Alzheimer's on family relationships and explore ways to strengthen and maintain connections.
  • Find joy in dementia care by exploring uplifting and positive approaches to enhance the caregiving experience.
  • Explore the power of creativity in Alzheimer's care and how it can positively impact the lives of all impacted.

Listen to podcast and read blog post

Watch interview on YouTube!

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In Case You Missed It . . .


You’ll learn:

  • Simple ways to incorporate music, visual arts, movement, and storytelling into daily care.
  • How creative expression can bridge communication gaps.
  • The importance of intergenerational engagement through art.
  • Self-care strategies for caregivers through creative writing.
  • Ways to implement arts activities in both home and facility settings.

Listen to podcast and read blog post

Watch interview on YouTube

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Download this wonderful Caregiver Tip Sheet, "7 Tips for Connection and Communication through the Arts." Mary Crescenzo explains how the arts can impact your relationship and engagement with your person utilizing simple strategies and resources you may have at home. The Tip Sheet is free.

Download it now!

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Coming Up for Book Club


Please join us for a discussion of Debra Tann's "The Race of Dementia." The title of the book serves as a double entendre. First, there is a race for a cure. Second, there is evidence that suggests Blacks and Latinos will make up nearly 40% of the 8.4 million American families affected by Alzheimer’s. Hence, it is literally The Race of Dementia.

Debra says, "My book emphasizes the question, who cares for the caregiver? What is more, the book addresses the age-old conundrum of race as it relates to the health care system. Disparities such as poverty, unequal access to health care, lack of education, and stigmas are underlying factors of health inequities."

Readers say:

"This is a great book that covers the many important topics of dementia. It provides colorful stories of those touched by dementia. It is written with hope and optimism knowing it will take all of us to raise awareness of dementia- together we are better. It is also a great resource for nursing students and provides interactive scenarios for great discussion."

"This read has opened my eyes to the many struggles associated with dementia (and related diseases), and need for caregivers to take time to care for themselves. Before The Race of Dementia, I never placed much thought on how important it was for me (a caregiver) to give myself permission to take a break... take a breath... take a minute, and not feel guilty about doing so."

Learn more about Debra

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In celebration of our 10th anniversary, we published a news release telling our story and outlining our plans for this momentous year. Here it is. Please share this with your family, friends, followers and contacts in dementia care.

Thank you.

Read here

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Custom Caregiver Collections: Real Books for Real People in Real Places


For ten years, AlzAuthors has championed books written from personal experience with Alzheimer's and dementia, building a comprehensive online resource with nearly 400 authors. Understanding that busy caregivers need accessible, tangible support, we launched Custom Caregiver Collections in 2022. Today, we've placed 35 collections in care communities and support groups, delivering over 500 books directly to those seeking guidance and connection. To order a Collection for yourself, family, support group, care home, or other site where caregivers gather please visit our website.

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AlzAuthors on Aging Better Network

imageMarianne recently appeared on Christine A. Smith’s talk show “Aspects of Aging” on the Aging Better Network for a lively panel discussion. Marianne talked about AlzAuthors’ journey and 10 year anniversary. AlzAuthor Tryn Rose Seley, personal health advocate Molly Minnick, RN/BSN, and pain resolution practitioner Ani Papzyan joined them. Catch the part where Ani walks them through some unexpected tongue exercises. It's hilarious!

Watch on YouTube

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Take a Chance on Our 10th Anniversary Book Giveaway!


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2025 Books & Chit Chat, Podcasts, and AlzAuthors Live! Virtual Events


3/15 - PODCASTHON: Replay of The Long Haul: The Impact of Long-Term Dementia Caregiving

3/19 - Replay of Books & Chit Chat with Susan Landeis on podcast and YouTube

3/25 - Books & Chit Chat with Debra Tann, Ed.D, The Race of Dementia, a caregiver guide

4/2 - NEW AUTHOR: David Bredbenner, Going Home, A Journey with Dementia, a memoir of caring for a mother

4/22 - Books & Chit Chat with Marita Golden. The Wide Circumference of Love, a novel

4/29 - AlzAuthors Live!: National Poetry Month Virtual Poetry Reading

5/7 - NEW AUTHOR: Carol Steinberg, Come Grandpa Meow, Let’s Fly, an illustrated children's book

5/27 - Books & Chit Chat with Peter Berry and Deb Bunt, Slow Puncture: Living Well with Dementia, a memoir, and Walk With Me: Musing Through the Dementia Fog, poetry


6/24 - Books & Chit Chat with Jean Lee, Alzheimer’s Daughter, a caring for two parents memoir

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Love Podcasts?


If you enjoy listening to podcasts, check out the resources for caregivers on the Whole Care Network's Streaming Radio App. You'll discover a number of informative and inspirational podcasts dedicated to the caregiving journey.

Available in the Apple store and Google Play.

Disclaimer: Our Untangling Alzheimer's and Dementia podcast is supported by the Whole Care Network.

Get it here

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Susan's Design of the Week


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AlzAuthors is a global community of authors writing about Alzheimer's and dementia from personal experience. There are nearly 400 members on six continents and after a decade of growth, AlzAuthors is the most comprehensive single source in the world for dementia literature curated by former caregivers and authors. Visit our website to learn more.

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We have so much to learn . . .


On Friday, March 7th, at 11 a.m. PT/ 2 p.m. ET, Bob Stryer joins Being Patient Live Talks with his wife, Lori Golden-Stryer, to discuss his experience living with a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) diagnosis. They will also discuss how that experience inspired them to start Living Our Best With Memory Lossa podcast featuring Bob and Lori, which is for and by those living with cognitive impairment. Lori and Bob, along with co-producers Denis Lowe and SuAnne Cobb, who also live with cognitive impairment, work on the podcast which features interviews with brain health experts, advocates, and people with memory loss. Bob and Lori have been married for 35 years and have two sons. RSVP to learn more about Bob’s experience with diagnosis and how the experience inspired the couple to advocate for others living with cognitive decline. 

RSVP here!

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Your Management Team


L to R: Vicki Tapia, Ann Campanella, Christy Byrne Yates,

Marianne Sciucco, Susan Landeis, and Jean Lee

How to reach us:

Marianne Sciucco: podcast host/producer

Jean Lee: acquisitions editor, Custom Caregiver Collections

Vicki Tapia: acquisitions editor, children's books

Ann Campanella: Custom Caregiver Collections

Susan Landeis: Custom Caregiver Collections

Christy Byrne Yates: podcast host/producer, YouTube channel manager

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