This is the first of a new segment called, "Live Look". These are episodes of my findings and discoveries the same day versus weekly drops. The Live Look episodes are an inside scoop of how processed the podcast interview or experiences in my life....

This is the first part of a series. The Challenge is giving up one thing to contribute to making you successful in the long run. In this Case, I gave up a bad habit of decompressing while playing Madden which caused me to lose sleep affecting my gain...

In this Episode we dive deep into my failures with having an EGO in the past. I failed because I let pride, ignorance, and stubbornness dictate my life. Here's how I was able to rewrite that narrative: 1. Evaluate Inner Circle 1. Evaluate you Relatio...

In this Episode, we jump into examining how we can prepare for achieving our level of success. 1. Define what your level of success is? 1. What is untapped potential? Everyone’s end game is different, not all people have the same goals/values. Tell m...

In this episode we evaluate how we would like our legacy to go! Check out: How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen to understand how you can see the clear picture of how your life measures to those around you! This is a deep one whe...

In this episode, We establish who The Winners Paradigm. 1. We define the definition of what the Winners Paradigm is. 1. We discuss what does your definition of success means. 1. I breakdown who I am and how I was able to overcome adversity to be ser...