New Things

Apr 07, 2023 3:01 pm


So this email isn't exactly what I was planning, but Mailchimp, my old newsletter service provider, made radical changes to their plans and I finally decided to pack up and leave. I have moved to SendFox, hence the new look and feel. Things might look a bit clunky for a few months until I get used to things and work out how to use the service so please bear with me.

Writing Updates

I've been progressing in my editing and should have Fairy Tales and Nightmares ready for beta reading in May. Check next month's newsletter for the StoryOrigin link if you'd like to sign up to be a beta reader. And if you are not familiar with beta reading, that is where you sign up to read an early draft of an author's book and give the author your thoughts on improvement. This ISN'T a free book. I need people willing to critique Fairy Tales and Nightmares and give honest opinions. Don't sign up to be a beta reader if you can't spare the time, or don't think to can help. I'll have ARC ebooks available for regular readers when Fairy Tales and Nightmares is ready to publish.



I recently hosted a great discussion on the horror genre with some fantastic authors. Please check it out, over on my YouTube Channel.


Check Out The Video

National Poetry Month

Once again, I'll be doing my annual write-a-poem-a-day in April to celebrate National Poetry Month. I still need a few more poem prompts for the month, so if you'd like to help out send me a one or two word prompt and I'll turn it into a poem (just reply to this newsletter). If you'd like to follow along you can check out the daily posts on my website.
