How To Turn Your Office Into A Ski Chalet

Oct 06, 2022 7:01 pm

Hello and welcome to the Polish-English Procrastilearning megamix thingy,

Polish stuff

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the big Witkacy exhibition now on in Warsaw and mentioned a painting of my grandmother Kazimiera Żuławska that I noticed was absent from the exhibition.

It turns out a different portrait of her actually was included, I'd just completely missed it. It was on a wall packed full of surreal drug-induced figures. Doh! Many thanks to the friend who spotted it and took this photo.


I also have an update about the Marek Zulawski exhibition in Toruń next year.

The current plan is to hold it at Toruń's Centre of Contemporary Art (an excellent venue, pictured below, which put on a famed David Lynch exhibition a few years ago). Because 2023 will the 115th anniversary of Marek's birth, they are hoping to include a full 115 works. Ambitious! I hope everything works out, and I will certainly try help in whatever way I can.


Non-Polish stuff

This week I found out about another AI image generator, one that's meant to help people who are redecorating. takes any photo of a room and transforms it using one of many options, from Minimalist to Art Deco, and Cyberpunk to Biophilic.

I used a photo of an empty corner from my wife's office.


I didn't fully understand all the meanings of the descriptions, nor the AI's interpretation, but I definitely enjoyed the output.

Below is my favourite, "Ski Chalet". It turned the door into a tree and put a small confused dog in the middle of the room.


Give Interior AI a go if you are into interior design and/or messing about with photos for hours for no apparent reason.

Business idea of the week

A friend wrote to me this week about an argument they had had with a very stupid person.

It reminded me immediately of this excellent 3-minute sketch from Chris Morris' very odd TV show Jam from 2000.

I can't believe this clip is 22 years old. You'd have thought this business would actually exist by now.


Finally, an important announcement

Since starting this experimental newsletter in August, I've been working out what I feel comfortable writing about and figuring out the audiences for it all and how it needs to be niched down.

So, later this month, I will be splitting this newsletter in two: one for Procrastilearning, the other for Translating Marek. You as original subscribers will still be signed up to both, but new subscribers will soon be faced with separate sign-up pages for each. You can stay subscribed to both, or drop one, as you like. The newsletters will also be fortnightly and alternate, so even if do nothing and stay signed up to both, you'll still only get one email from me per week.

The Translating Marek newsletter will be geared towards Polish-English stuff, translation oddness and the Zulawski family - it will become more useful in the lead-up to the Toruń exhibition next year. Meanwhile, the Procrastilearning one will be about self-development fails, digital writing and pondering the state of online media & technology. It will be easier to promote the newsletter once the split has been made and that will help grow both.

I still need to work out the mechanics, but the split will be in place by the end of October. If you have any feedback about this move, let me know! Thank you all for taking an interest so far 🥰

That's all for this week. Remember to drink plenty of water - you can often find it for free!


Adam Zulawski / / More stuff

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