New Marek exhibition in 2023 + technology that shouldn't exist

Aug 11, 2022 7:11 pm

Hi everybody!

See, told you I would email again ;)

Polish stuff

I was contacted the other day by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. It turns out they want to put on a new exhibition of Marek Zulawski paintings next year at the University Museum! Great news. I'm not sure of the details yet, but if you've been dead nearly 40 years and people still want to put on a display of things you did, then how can that not be a good thing? 😎

The connection with Toruń goes back to Marek's childhood. He spent most of his teenage years there, living in the so-called Zofiówka. My grandmother Kazimiera used to run the household and had guests stay constantly with them, including the likes of Witkacy. I also like the fact that Toruń is a short drive from where my mother was born.

It seems that region, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, is a great place! Maybe that's why Keanu Reeves likes it so much:


Talking of Witkacy, this week we went to see the big exhibition now on at the National Museum in Warsaw. It was pretty great! It was packed with loads of weird paintings and filthy illustrations and cheeky photos. Our son slept through a lot of it unfortunately (or maybe fortunately). Do go see it if you can.


Sadly not included in the exhibition, but worth adding here is the portrait Witkacy made of my grandmother Kazimiera in 1926.

Not Polish stuff

So I have started posting things on Twitter, as is the demand of Ship 30 for 30, the course I mentioned I'm doing last week. As an experiment, I'm enjoying it, but I'm not enjoying endlessly posting on a very public social media channel. I think that dissatisfaction is worth dismissing here, it doesn't help anything. We shall see if we get any interesting results from what happens.

Because of the course, I haven't been able to publish another Procrastilearning blog this week. I will put one up next week! If you missed the first one, please take a look and let me know what you think.

Documentary video recommendation of the week

I watched this short BBC video the other day about how it looks like the technology and science of the past was much more advanced than we thought. I like this not only because it messes with our preconceptions about past civilisations and is genuinely fascinating, but also because it feeds into conspiracy theories about how Atlantis existed and was super advanced, and how aliens built the pyramids. Great fun 😁


Music video recommendation of the week

I've been listening to I'll Gladly Place Myself Below You by Matty repeatedly the last couple of weeks. It doesn't have an official music video, but some very cool person on YouTube put one together using clips from the 1978 movie Days of Heaven starring Richard Gere. I like this fan-made approach very much, lots of great songs out there never get a video, and it's great when YouTubers fill that gap. Hats off to all of them that do this 🎩

That's it for this week. Again, let me know if you have feedback as I develop this newsletter. Was any of it interesting? Was some of it rubbish? All feedback is helpful to me!

Look after yourselves, and each other, and maybe strangers if they seem cool,


Adam Zulawski / / More stuff

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