[💡WFUN] Happy Mother's Day!

Hey Work Fun Nation!Let's take a moment to celebrate lahat ng mga amazing moms dito, and all of our moms today. Whether your mom is a work-from-home freelancer like you or ikaw mismo si momshie (like a lot of people in my list) hehe, you both deserv...

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May 12, 2024
[💡WFUN] The Empty Bike Seat, {{contact.first_name}}

TingTingTing!I can still hear Julian's little bell ringing in my head. He would ring that bell whenever we passed by Sammy and Alex’s house. (They were his best friends when we moved here.)But that shiny chrome bell isn't on my mountain bike's handle...

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May 06, 2024
[💡WFUN] Salamuch, {{contact.first_name}}!

Yo Work FUN Homies! Alam ko over these past few days you've seen me email a lot, And I know it IS A LOT for most of you.I've been INTENSIVELY trying to show AND tell what Email Underground Intensive is.And as sure and certain as the sunrise...

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Mar 23, 2024
[💡WFUN] We are not batugan, {{contact.first_name}}!

Yo Work FUN Homies! Growing up, I knew someone who was called lazy. His family and his friends called him lazy.“Kahuhubya nim!” (You’re so lazy!) they said in his native tongue. But funny enough, hindi naman sya ganyan dati. He actually use...

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Mar 22, 2024
[💡WFUN] Arigatou Gozaimasu Toriyama-sensei 😢😢 !

DragonBall Z creator Akira Toriyama-sensei’s sudden passing took the whole world by surprise. It was almost a week ago now, pero siguro it's only now that I'm able to process this... grief?And I didn’t really know why at first.As a kid, I naturally a...

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Mar 15, 2024