What do I want to happen?
Jul 15, 2024 10:04 pm
Last week I was on a coach education course, and the lead for the course told us about the 70-20-10 model. Now, if you haven't heard of this - join the club. But don't worry, you haven't missed much. In short, we learn by doing - for 70% of the time, at least, or so the model says.
So, how did the researchers come up with this model? Well, I did some digging and discovered they used a questionnaire. Hold the back page. All models are wrong, some are useful, but not this one - coach the person, not the model.
What did I get from this Coach Education course? How it made me feel. Frustrated - I sat there thinking "I can do better than this," and that, folks, might be the secret to learning.
How were you feeling the last time you learned anything? Do let me know - hit reply on this email.
I'll leave you with a question that unlocked a presentation I had to give to a football club today: As a 12-year-old looking back over those three years, what has to have happened for you to feel happy with your time at the Academy?
You might notice the question is not directed at the Academy or the coach but the player - what do they want? So often we assume - it might just be better to ask.
What do I want to happen?
Have a great week.