5/31/2023 - Sliding into Summer with Murderbugs, We Dare, and TuckerizationsGood morning!The month of May includedThe end of my spring semester’s classes and grading—which means I can take off my high school teaching hat and put on my workshop leadin...
4/22/2023 - Murderbirds Anthology Book Giveaway Drawing (winners selected tonight)Good morning from RavenCon!Here at Richmond, Virginia’s Poe-inspired convention, we’re doing a book launch event for Murderbirds, the illustrated avian anthology, which...
4/14/2023 - New 4HU Novel, Incoming Murderbirds, and Other ProjectsHappy April everyone,It’s time for an alien uprising, because today is the launch day for DEFENDERS RISE, my first novel set in the Four Horsemen Universe.Available as an ebook and on...
3/12/2023 - SFWA Book Bundle, GoIndieNow Episode, and Coworking CorgisHappy March—or, as I recently learned from life-long mid-Atlantic people, “False Spring,”I feel like I need to issue a retraction on the weather commentary in my previous newslette...
2/28/2023 - All My Ducks in a RowGood afternoon from sunny Virginia!The temperature has been rocketing up and down over the last few weeks, but it looks like—as we transition into March—there are signs of spring.This means, among other things, Spring...
2/4/2023 - A Man of His Word Novella Release and book giveaway drawingGood afternoon everyone,Yesterday, on the auspiciously numbered 2/3/23, A Man of His Word came out in both print and eBook. It is a fantasy novella (about 75 pages long), and it is...
1/31/2023 - Hitting the New Year RunningHappy New Year Everyone,I did make a point of singing “Long December” at karaoke before 2022 was over—though I did not end up filming it. Though 2022 had some awesome ups, I’ll still echo Adam Duritz of Countin...
12/23/2022 - 2022 Wrap UpHappy holidays readers, writers, artists, and the occasional bot!This email brought to you by the calm between the storms that have been mucking with our electricity (and as a result, our wifi).We are almost done with 2022, w...
11/20/2022 - NaNoWriMo, the End of the 2022 Con Schedule, and Other StoriesHello everyone and happy almost Thanksgiving,I am thrilled and thoroughly relieved that last week, I wrapped up my final Conference/Convention for 2022. My 17 author events fo...
10/28/2022 - "The Impossible Moon" Launch Event ReminderHappy Halloweekend everyone!We're kicking this one off with an adventure to "The Impossible Moon," book 4 of the THIS FINE CREW series.You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKLL4F82A...