4/22/2023 - Murderbirds Anthology Book Giveaway Drawing (winners selected tonight)

Apr 22, 2023 1:10 pm

4/22/2023 - Murderbirds Anthology Book Giveaway Drawing (winners selected tonight)

Good morning from RavenCon!

Here at Richmond, Virginia’s Poe-inspired convention, we’re doing a book launch event for Murderbirds, the illustrated avian anthology, which released as an ebook on Friday 4/21.


Even if you can’t attend in person, you can still be part of the book launch celebration, because today, we’re having a book giveaway drawing for newsletter subscribers:


It’s a one-question form—where should we email the ebook?—which you have to complete by 9pm Eastern time to be eligible.


Otherwise, if you want to pick up a copy directly, either electronic or physical, you can do so here:


Thank you for your continued readership and joining us to celebrate the book launch.


Mike Jack Stoumbos

