#preparation #DefaultToTraining #training #trainyourmind
#mission #goals #missionvsgoals #chopwoodcarrywater
#free #masteryourself #masteryourmind #masteryourthoughts #freewill #FREEDOM #slave #slavery
A few highlights from an article about the new plan the government has come up with to go door to door and persuade you to take the cov shot. Why are we NOT worried about #Diabetes #heartdisease #obesity or #metabolichealth things that kill MILLIONS OF PEOPLE every YEAR, far more than cov will ever kill. Not to mention if you address these issues you'll most likely not be effected by the VID. Don't be #intimated by these government thugs. #IwillNOTComply
If kids look like this the government doesn't have a problem with it,however if they don't take a cov shot we've got issues. You trust the government to give you health advice after Decades of Lies, theories about fat, sugar and salt never tested or verified before making them guidelines. Look at what "health" looks like when the government is in charge. #disease #heartdisease #cancer #stroke #obesity #metabolichealth
#YourHealthIsYourResponsibility ~ #Diabetes #heartdisease #cancer #stroke #obesity #metabolichealth
#friendship #friends
#inflation #economics #economy
#extremeownership #takingresponsibility #responsibility
This is the plan, out in the open. No hiding. No conspiracy theories necessary. They'll keep everyone distracted with tik tok, racial this and that, white people are your problem. Trans rights. A new variant is going to kill you. And whatever other decisive issues so you don't see it coming until you're trapped. I will NOT COMPLY. I will NOT be distracted. Create a Pocket of Greatness. Isolated from this bullshit. Help your family, neighbors and community thrive without the governments help. #thegreatreset #Technocracy #greatreset
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