I think this is one of the most important books you'll ever read. #greatuntruths #untrue #nottrue #falsehood #misinformation #falsefacts
#letgo #notthesameperson #mementomori #stoicism #stoicmindset #stoicwisdom #stoicphilosophy #stoicthoughts #Stoictraining #marcusaurelius
What is the end game here? They're calling this problem #GENUIS So the best use of TAX PAYER dollars in a Poverty-stricken place like Ohio is to spend $5000000 rewarding people to get vaccines. Not vaccines for deadly #diseases like #measles or #obesity or #heartdisease or #poorairquality or #foodquality
#makeothersbetter #addvaluetoothers #addvaluetopeopleslife #addvaluetopeople #addingvalue
#extremeownership #takingresponsibility #communication #leadership
#extrinsicrewards #extrinsic #rewards
#hindsight #hindsightbias #fooledbyrandomness
Most of us know the benefits of physical health. Do you know the benefits of mental health? Do you take time for mental health, allowing yourself to mentally as well as physically recover and prepare? Take some time today and just be. ~~~ #mentalhealth #mentalstrength #mentalperformance #mentalhealthawareness
#happyness #happiness #happy #fulfillment
Some of my favorite #quotes from #nomadcapitalist
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