Soul Families - Higher Connections - Valuable Butts - Community Newsletter - Issue #11

May 25, 2022 8:24 pm


Welcome to our Community Sharings!

We invite you to help it grow from the inside out!

We are once again celebrating the amazing creative talent that we have within our community. If you have any poems, songs, photography, art work, or any other words or images that depict your particular creative genius, reply to this email at & we'll happily include your work in a future issue..









Love Song for Spring

(March 1, 2022)


The power and strangeness of spring at the stark sharp edge of winter . . .

Even though there is no obvious abrupt change, 

one day the Earth suddenly seems to breathe.


Deep springs begin to gush from the network traceries of connectedness.

Brilliant mycorrhizae prepare to release stored-up secrets.

The miracle of soil produces life.

The tender ritual of seeds unfolding.

A treasury of traces of life manage to poke up.

Stalks of gold swirl slowly around, and then rise up and fly.


The secrets of the golden flowers like candles flaming with radiance.

Purple-blue squill and grape hyacinths.

Yellow narcissus and pink cherry trees.

Carpets of flowers and music in the wind.

Eruptions of spontaneous elegance.

Embraceable beauty.


Let yourself get lost in the sparkles of dew.

Turn your face to spring, the time when the anchor blood brightens.

The best in life is transient, and that is how it is.

Every spring I fall in love with the earth all over again.


I've got a corner in paradise


My dreaming is hibiscus


I'm dreaming my way home.



We congratulate Mareev that this beautiful poem has now been set to music!






 A Journey in Re-enabling our Nature 

Dear Brave New Life Community:


Our 1st intentional community Journey is starting this Thursday night during our regular zoom times.

The next 3 weeks of BNL's zoom calls are for anyone interested in:

· cultivating more understanding around the feeling based relating process and how to apply this in our daily life as practice of being.


· learning more about Syntropy in Human ecology (community)

· relating deeper and more introspectively on how we show up for ourselves and others from love

· expanding on the wisdom that Nature offers us through the lens of Syntropy


These next 3 weeks of zoom calls draw on powerful content from the Activation Journey that Souvereign has created for BNL & will include:


· listening, witnessing, reflecting, and smaller group work through breakout rooms.

· opportunities to rekindle the initial spirit that was so alive in BNL when it started.


The next three weeks of our zoom calls are open to everyone feeling attracted to:


· being on an intentional journey of deepening the relationship to Nature, Life and Self.

· sharing space with fellow humans on the Journey to more emotional freedom, joy and connection.



· There is NO prerequisite to joining these calls. 

· You can choose to only come for one or all three.

· The full 25 video series link about Re-enabling our Nature will be shared during each call.


and in closing:

· ALL these zoom meetings are intentional, directed and serving the purpose of providing the BNL community with more of the HOW, the WHY and the WHAT of feeling based relating, our own self sovereignty and the nature-based ways of deepening our connection to Life, Love, and the Wisdom enshrined in all of Nature's marvelous life strategies.

Blessed be, Souvereign





Here is a wonderful offer from one of our Brave New Life Sisters:

Vikki Smisek who is the author of the book, "Falling Awake"


Based on my book, Falling Awake – A Heroine’s Journey, this week-long immersion invites you to answer the call to explore your own Heroine’s Journey. Come and join me in the beautiful mountains of southern Portugal, for a deep dive into the practices and experiences that helped me tell my story.

This women’s retreat will offer you the chance to engage in Qoya, mindfulness, writing, sharing, ceremony and ritual. Through the connection and support of each other, we will be able to delve deep, to go within, to feel, to let go, to heal, to find our voices, find our truth...and emerge through the other side!

vikki smisek < 








Are you hosting or do you know of any Brave New Life related events in your


Please click here & add:

-title of the event

-date and time


-host name

-link to website

-contact info

For any and all News happenings, sharings, and relating please find your way to and connect with your community there.


Do you choose to believe in distance and separation? 

imageOr in the oneness – the non-duality?


Here is a link to a lovely video that will make you smile:

Somewhere over the Rainbow + What a Wonderful World.



4 fascinating facts about bees to celebrate

Bee Day

.May 20th is Bee Day! So, to celebrate our fabulous pollinating friends, here are four facts that go beyond their all-important role in plant cross-fertilization.



Talking about “BBBBB”, here’s some news about one of BNL’s favorite B’s: BERDALEE!

Berdalee hosts a superb radio show:, Tuesday evenings at 9:00 est. Berdalee has an interesting theme for each show & they are spectacular with great blends of many different kinds of wonderful music.


Announcing the Elf Realization Fellowship for the promotion of Healthy Insanity & In-Sane actions to save this beloved planet Erth! Leaders are from the planet ERF & our groups feature a highly developed sense of the Absurd! Please call Brandon at the Ministry of Truth for more info.





.Remember, send your pics, writings, & events to & we'll happily include your work in a future issue




Are you aware of the many Circles with a wide variety of topics on the BNL website? If not, visit the Circles on the BNL website... & share... & thank you, in advance, for your sharing!

Check all the circles here.

Just a few of the circles offered in the Brave New Life Community:

Canada Circle - Tuesday 7 PM EDT

Embody Pure Love - Friday  1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EDT / 4:00 AM Western Australia

Elder Flowers - Thursdays  - 15 minutes after BNL Thursday Circle

UK/Euro Circle - Tuesdays & Wednesdays 7PM BST/8 PM CET

Bodacious Serendipity Sing-a-Long Circle - Friday evenings 7PM EST.

Talent not required, enthusiasm helps as we Share, Sing & Laugh!

Breathwork Circle: An opportunity to learn and practice alchemical breathing.

Freedom Support Circle: created to provide extra support in addition to the community calls. Mondays@4PM EST


If there are any other Brave New Life circles who wish to be on this list, please send us an email & we will gladly add it in.

Also check out the fabulous videos being offered on the Brave New Life site - they run the gamut from interestingly bizarre to bizarrely interesting.




Livin Good Currency Ep. 9: Bidhan Roy on Light Shining from Prisons & Restorative Justice in the Soul

The Lesson: Prisons in the U.S. bury people. And they rely on the burying of those people to sever the connection they have with society’s knowledge that they exist, which in turn allows the prisons to bury them in a vicious cycle. But it turns out that even if it’s mere voices that escape those walls; poems, songs, art, all escaping without a person on stage or on the street attached to them, that’s enough to create a two-way connection with society that leads to a life and a voice beyond prison, and restorative justice, and not justice by diminishment.

Notable Excerpt: “I would say ‘yeah I’m starting this program in a prison,’ and the first question everyone asks is ‘are you scared?’ and I’m like ‘why would I be scared?’ So seeing this disjunction between what people were thinking about what I was doing, and what I was experiencing in there, for me I started to think this whole system of burying people, like “the disappeared”, depends on people not knowing who these people are in a deeper way, and so it became a kind of calling really to say ‘how can I play some small part in, not shining a light on, but allowing this light to come out?”



Do you have a service or product you would like to share with the BNL Community?

Please click here & add:

-a description of the service or product

-your location (if applicable)

-contact/ordering info

Need a snafflekok? Want to soothe your whazoo? Need something to hang...on your wall? Please check out the diverse offerings from the BNL Community here.....




Share B&B

Would you be willing to offer a fellow Brave New Lifer a place to stay?

Please click here & add:

-your name


-accommodations info


Are you looking for a place to stay whilst on your Brave New Life travels?

Please click here to find a place to stay.


Here's Another Song about the Brave New Life Family:

That's What Friends Are For


Speaking of Friends, here is a wonderful letter from Jill, in Ireland, to the Brave New Life community

To My Dear BNL friends,

If there is something common to nearly all of us in the past two years it’s that some, if not all, of our relationships have changed in some way. Many of my friends don’t hold the same view of the pandemic (which I’ll refer to hereafter as the not-pandemic) as I do, which has created a level of tension between us to varying degrees - a holding back from discussing certain topic’s and shockingly, I found myself in that space of what has now become known as self-censoring. Perhaps even more shocking was that I’d been doing this all along because I had so often laughed myself off with those particular friends down the years just to get through any awkward conversations .... I had made a joke of myself, ‘oh you know the mad things I’m into hahaha!’ 

If for example, I wanted to have energy healing back in the 80s or take homeopathy in the 90s or would you believe, use products that didn’t harm the environment (now the ‘in’ thing), I was often regarded as the amusing oddball friend. Then there were other things that were a bit more left of field like ‘do you think TV is like in the book 1984 and we’re being watched from the other side?’ or that Hollywood films are programmes or maybe there actually is other life outside of our lil ole Earth & solar system... to my mind that wasn’t exactly rocket science ... excuse the pun!  

And then there was privacy with data that I was always complaining about, I cannot tell you how often my friend’s eyes would roll to heaven on any mention of that ... until Cambridge Analytica but ....even then, they quickly forgot about it.... takes a bit of effort to protect your privacy (if we even have any anymore).

In the end I just wasn’t comfortable sharing what were essentially my true world views with about 70% of my friends and almost all of my family... it was much easier to talk with just that 30% on the same page - that was enough to sustain me at the time. And because I value friendship of all kinds and nurtured all those relationships, I never thought there was any harm in saying nothing much to the 70% as it wasn’t impacting my life in any way .... until March 2020.

Recently I had an email exchange with a dearly beloved friend of 40yrs (who lives abroad from our homeland). We have differing views of the not-pandemic and during our exchange he had expressed concern that I might be hi-jacked by conspiracy theorists and the like, in my quest for truth. At this stage, I best point out that my friend is a very successful journalist and is also a very caring friend – their concern was absolutely genuine even if it really annoyed me. I had to respond of course and after I’d sent my reply, I decided to share about it in our BNL circle. While reading it out I was wondering to myself, what in the heck am I doing but your response’s were so warming and open hearted with many of you asking me to share it in writing as it might help you with some of the difficulties in your own lives and so here it is:-  

(As I’m sharing a letter, I ask that you do not forward the following to anyone but by all means take from it if there’s something of value in it for you. I’ve not included anything that would identify my friend, where they live, where they’re from or their gender).

Now, one of my very closest female friends put the same notion to me back in 2020 about conspiracy theory – at the time I was quite upset, firstly I thought I might be losing a good friend and secondly, I wondered why she did not think I was capable of discerning information after all the amazing conversations we had ever had throughout our friendship. It took me a while to think it through but when I did, there was a couple of things at play, the first was that I had never discussed certain views of the world with her. It just never was a part of our conversation ... I assumed she’d think my views were mad (I was right as it turned out even though she never said that) I kept all that for the friends with the same view .....on hindsight that was a mistake. It wasn’t until the global situation of the last 2yrs that deep foundational beliefs came to the fore for everyone and it rattled quite a lot of relationships (I mean generally not just my own). Conspiracy Theory is always thrown out to shut people down and to demean them and btw, I do not for a moment think you are doing that to me ... I hear your concern, it’s the same concern I have for say, friends who’ve taken the injections so in a

way in terms of caring for each other as good friends, we’re on the same page but on different sides of it so to speak.


I asked myself, how do I know anything when am not a researcher, scientist, historian, lawyer etc. myself. Well how do any of us know anything is true? We don’t. We can decide on whether we trust the information we avail of or not and with a decent brain and good dollop of critical thinking, we can discern and size up that information, see where it’s coming from, the background of the author/speaker etc. and in some cases, with medical or academic research, check out who funded it. Everything is coloured, everything & everyone has a lense through which they view the world ..... me, you, my friend mentioned above, none of us can say we know exactly what’s going on for sure and it's arrogance to think we do. Everything comes out in the wash eventually, so we will all find out the truth in time.


I can’t remember the last time I bought a woman’s magazine because I was more interested in science or health or spiritual matters or global affairs for reading material. I also had a spiritual mentor and teacher, who was instrumental in my life and my greatest influence - she was the first one to introduce me to a different view of global affairs (it was quite the wakeup call back in 2001 I can tell you!). She died in 2010 (by then, I had had the privilege of having her in my life for 13yrs). There isn’t a single thing she said would happen that hasn’t happened, and most of it culminated in the past 2yrs. I often wonder what she would be saying to me today.


In the past 2 yrs, I’ve taken my information from virologists, biologists, scientists, doctors/medic’s, lawyers, deep researchers, journalists, historians & long time activists... all of whom are censored ...why? you need to ask. You won’t see it on mainstream media (MSM) but there are millions upon millions of people across the world taking to the streets (and have been over the past 2yrs), a legal case is being prepared to be taken to the Hague (and other lawyers doing similar across the world), there is a lot going on in the world that isn’t seen on MSM. So I hope that addresses your concern about my quest for truth, although at this stage it’s more a quest for sanity than anything else!  


The above exchange was a good thing to have happened because it really made me think about myself, about friendship and relationships, about hiding my true self and how self-censored I had always been. These last two years have truly been the best of my life so far, they’ve drawn me into a self acceptance and honesty like I’ve never known before and for that I thank my beautiful friend for their audacity that made me sit down and take stock. And by the way they came back to say they are no longer worried about me ... phew! I was relieved because I love my friend very much and I really didn’t want to lose our friendship – so far the not-pandemic isn’t winning that battle at least!

Jill x





Confirmation from India came this week hailing a conservation success story for the greater one-horned rhino.

The International Rhino Foundation announced the milestone, reporting that the population now numbers 4,014 individuals—up from just 100 individuals 50 years ago.








If you have any ideas for OUR VOICES, OUR STORIES, OUR COMMUNITY, please let us know!

We honour the courage it takes to share our hearts within our community, whether by writing, or sharing art work or photography, or by speaking, or being a sacred witness... this empowers us ALL. Let's all keep stepping into & reveling in our Brave New Lives...& sharing that wisdom with the rest of us!

Click here to support our community in the contributions jar. 

                 SHARE the gift that keeps on giving:


Brave New Life Community Love lane Heartland, 777 Mother Earth
