Energy, Starseeds & Infectious Swinging - Community Newsletter - Issue #12

Jun 22, 2022 11:54 pm


Welcome to our Community Sharings!

We invite you to help it grow from the inside out!

We are once again celebrating the amazing creative talent that we have within our community. If you have any poems, songs, photography, art work, or any other words or images that depict your particular creative genius, reply to this email at & we'll happily include your work in a future issue..




An opinion piece from a vaccinated Australian writer:

β€œIf Covid were a battlefield, it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated. Thankfully the mandates are letting up, and both sides of the war stumble back to the new normal. The unvaccinated are the heroes of the last two years as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment and highlight the shortcoming of the Covid vaccines. The unvaccinated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to break mentally, yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced β€œThe Science β€œto unveil. We knew that the waning immunity of the fully vaccinated had the same risk profile as others within society as the minority of the unvaccinated, yet we marked them for special persecution. You see, we said they had not β€œdone the right thing for the greater good” by handing their bodies and medical autonomy over to the State. Many of the so-called health experts and political leaders in Australia admitted the goal was to make life almost unlivable for the unvaccinated, which was multiplied many times by the collective mob, with the fight taken into workplaces, friendships, and family gatherings.

Today the hard truth is none of it was justified as we took a quick slide from righteousness to absolute cruelty. We might lay the blame on our leaders and health experts for the push, but each individual within society must be held accountable for stepping into the well-laid-out trap. We did this despite knowing full well that principled opposition is priceless when it comes to what goes inside our bodies, and we let ourselves be tricked into believing that going into another ineffective lockdown would be the fault of the unvaccinated and not the fault of the toxic policy of ineffective vaccines. We took pleasure in scapegoating the unvaccinated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake felt good. We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side, so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated. Those of us who ridiculed and mocked the non-compliant did it because we were embarrassed by their courage and principles and didn’t think the unvaccinated would make it through unbroken, and we turned the holdouts into punching bags. Lambie, Carr, Chant, Andrews, McGowan, Gunner, and the other cast of hundreds in prominent roles need to be held to account for vilifying the unvaccinated in public and fueling angry social media mobs. The mobs, the mask Nazis, and the vaccine disciples have been embarrassed by β€œbetting against” the unvaccinated because mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not compliance that ended domination by Big Pharma Companies, Bill Gates and his many organizations, and the World Economic Forum… It was THANKS to the people we tried to embarrass, ridicule, mock and tear down. We should all try and find some inner gratitude for the unvaccinated as we took the bait by hating them because their perseverance and courage bought us the time to see we were wrong. So if mandates ever return for Covid or any other disease or virus, hopefully, more of us will be awake and see the rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our well-being and is more about power and control. The War on the Unvaccinated was lost, and we should all be very thankful for that.”




To Our Community

During times like these, a heart-centered community is what we all benefit from having access to.


In order to keep our community alive and functioning we are asking you to become a monthly contributor of whatever you can afford.


We only require 35 monthly contributions to keep us going.ibute

With Love, Maya, Ecstatic Goddess & Souvereign



Here is a wonderful article by Brave New Life Sister: Bonnie Rabbit


Do You Think You Might Be A Starseed?


What are Starseeds? Well, from the vast amount of information available today on the internet, the many Starseeds speaking about who we are and what our roles are, and from looking within, I can give a brief overview of what I have come to understand about Starseeds and believe with all of my heart. Starseeds are beings from other planets that have come to Earth with specific missions to lead humanity through 'The Shift' into the New Earth that we will all create together. Humans have lived on Earth in an unhealthy, unbalanced way for centuries and Starseeds are here to make changes that will bring a healthier, balanced way of living for all. Starseeds have been coming to Earth for generations, reincarnating many times in order to gain the experiences and knowledge necessary through several lifetimes in order to prepare for their greatest mission, 'The Great Awakening'. We are now living these times when the Earth is Shifting and we are going through a huge transformation from the life we have always known, for the better, as humans ascend.


There are three types of Starseeds with different roles and personality traits needed to fulfill these roles. The three types are Indigos, Crystal Children, and Rainbow Children. All Starseed types generally live on a higher vibration than average and are highly intuitive, sensitive, creative, and live with integrity and compassion for all life, though there are differences that allow them to fulfill their specific missions. The first generation of Starseeds are the Indigos, who are very old souls. In this lifetime, it is believed that Indigos were born starting around the 1960's and many newer Indigos born in the 1990's and beyond. Indigos are here to shake things up, tear down the old, corrupt systems that are not working so that new ones can be built in their place to create a healthier balance that serves all life on Earth. Indigos are strong willed, free thinkers with hearts of lions, and though there are even different types of Indigos, many are warriors. Indigos have the ability to see through the lies as if having built-in lie detectors to uncover the truth, and it is their responsibility to share those truths with others. To put it simply, Indigos are here to give everyone a rude awakening.


Crystal Children are on a higher vibration than Indigos and are even more sensitive. Very loving and compassionate, Crystal Children have been described as 'Earth Angels'. Very simply, they are here to give everyone unconditional love and a big hug after they have received a rude awakening from the Indigos. Crystal Children will lead humanity into the New Earth, giving guidance on how to build new systems of balance. Rainbow Children are of the highest vibration, operating up to a level of 13th density. They are highly evolved, spiritually advanced, and will have amazing abilities - super-human like - to model for all humans what they are capable of and can aspire to achieve. I am not consciously aware that I have met a Rainbow Child yet, though I certainly look forward to that honor.


By Bonnie Rabbit, Indigo Warrior






 Our amazing Journey with Syntropy

There is an amazing 3-minute testimonial up that you are encouraged to watch.


It sums up better than anything else the power of the transformational function that the Syntropic navigation can have for you or anyone you know who is in need of trouble-transformation.


Blessed be, Souvereign





Here is a wonderful painting by one of our Brave New Life Sisters:

Jenny Burrill



Free Water, a short video by Andrew Brown






Are you hosting or do you know of any Brave New Life related events in your


Please click here & add:

-title of the event

-date and time


-host name

-link to website

-contact info

For any and all News happenings, sharings, and relating please find your way to and connect with your community there.




 Monarch butterflies are doing surprisingly well in North America




Another reminder about the incredible radio show hosted by one of BNL’s favorite B’s:Bodacious BERDALEE!, Tuesday evenings at 9:00pm EST. Berdalee has an interesting theme for each show & they are spectacular with interesting combinations of different genres of wonderful music.



Announcing the Elf Realization Fellowship for the promotion of Healthy Insanity & In-Sane actions to save this beloved planet Erth! Leaders are ffrom the planet ERF & our groups feature a highly developed sense of the Absurd! Please call Brandon at the Ministry of Truth for more info.





.Remember, send your pics, writings, & events to

& we'll happily include your work in a future issue






Are you aware of the many Circles with a wide variety of topics on the BNL website? If not, visit the Circles on the BNL website... & share... & thank you, in advance, for your sharing!

Check all the circles here.

Just a few of the circles offered in the Brave New Life Community:

Canada Circle - Tuesday 7 PM EDT

Embody Pure Love - Friday  1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EDT / 4:00 AM Western Australia

Elder Flowers - Thursdays  - 15 minutes after BNL Thursday Circle

UK/Euro Circle - Tuesdays & Wednesdays 7PM BST/8 PM CET

Bodacious Serendipity Sing-a-Long Circle - Friday evenings 7PM EST.

Talent not required, enthusiasm helps as we Share, Sing & Laugh!

Breathwork Circle: An opportunity to learn and practice alchemical breathing.

Freedom Support Circle: created to provide extra support in addition to the community calls. Mondays@4PM EST


If there are any other Brave New Life circles who wish to be on this list, please send us an email & we will gladly add it in.

Also check out the fabulous videos being offered on the Brave New Life site - they run the gamut from interestingly bizarre to bizarrely interesting.


Here's a lovely picture of a group of Brave New Life Sisters!



Speaking of Circles;




Do you have a service or product you would like to share with the BNL Community?

Please click here & add:

-a description of the service or product

-your location (if applicable)

-contact/ordering info

Need a snafflekok? Want to soothe your whazoo? Need something to hang...on your wall? Please check out the diverse offerings from the BNL Community here.....




Prayer For Victory Over Outer Conditions~

In the name of Love, Wisdom and Power, by the authority and victory of my own Beloved I Am Presence, I demand and command every cell, atom and electron of my physical body, to blaze with the Sacred Fire of Invincible Love and Healing Flames from my Beloved I Am Presence and the Ascended Masters of Light.

I ask for the action of the Law of Forgiveness, for my every transgression of the Law of Love in my daily life, and the past. I command the Invincible Flames of Purity, of Protection, of Resurrection, and Healing to blaze through my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body, my etheric body, my inner child, and my body elemental, daily and hourly.

In the name of Love, I command my full mastery and victory over all outer conditions in my life to be made manifest. I also ask for the opening and return of all my Spiritual gifts.

I call upon the Law of forgiveness for my errors of the past. I extend forgiveness to all souls I have ever hurt in any way, shape or form, in this lifetime and beyond. I also extend my forgiveness to all souls that have ever hurt me.

I call upon the eternal Flame of Cosmic Love, to seize these energies to be drenched in the fires of the Violet Flame, and Ascension Flame. I give thanks for this Healing.

Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!

( From β€œPrayers to the Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)


Here's Another Song about the Brave New Life Family:






People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing you are the beholder.

Salma Hayek




Karyna Swing

Karyna Swing

Shy Spyder

Lovely lonely Clam

Shows me who IAM


Karyna Swing

Shy Spyder

Working to hide her

In her wildly wonderful web!

Me, swinging, free


But A LONE is so lovely


with ME,

my cells,

My Selves


With what IAM

A lovely, lonely clam



what if it is a DAM!

NOT a clam

but a DAM!


& I -WE – IT- BREAKs

Wide Open


For all to see


As the lovely, Power filled Lite

IAM/We Are!

Swinging on my/our web

& Shining my/our Lite

Me & Karyna

And YOU!

Hot damn!!!


Karyna Swing & Ecstatic Goddess 06/16/22



Maybe if we are out of our minds,

it will make it easier to get into our Hearts.




Who are we?


Who are we? 

We are individual US  

Unique Souls,

Amalgamated into One. 

One Whole Soul. 

A Holy Soul,  

a holey sole.

 Gotta get new shoes.




This book & the retreat are from Vikki

a beautiful & powerful Brave New Life sister


Introducing The Heroine's Journey Retreat Monchique, Portugal

23rd to 30th September 2022


There will come a time when you can accept nothing less than the breath-taking truth of your soul, the voice of divine love within you.

- Meggan Watterson

 Based on my book, Falling Awake – A Heroine’s Journey, this week-long immersion invites you to answer the call to explore your own Heroine’s Journey.


Come and join me in the beautiful mountains of southern Portugal, for a deep dive into the practices and experiences that helped me tell my story.

This women’s retreat will offer you the chance to engage in Qoya, mindfulness, writing, sharing, ceremony and ritual. Through the connection and support of each other, we will be able to delve deep, to go within, to feel, to let go, to heal, to find our voices, find our truth...and emerge through the other side!


Kindness is one thing you can’t give away. It always comes back.

George Skolsky




Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.

Maya Angelou




If you have any ideas for OUR VOICES, OUR STORIES, OUR COMMUNITY, please let us know!

We honour the courage it takes to share our hearts within our community, whether by writing, or sharing art work or photography, or by speaking, or being a sacred witness... this empowers us ALL. Let's all keep stepping into & reveling in our Brave New Lives...& sharing that wisdom with the rest of us!

Click here to support our community in the contributions jar. β€

                 SHARE the gift that keeps on giving:


Brave New Life Community Love lane Heartland, 777 Mother Earth
