Thursday Zoom Bloom Link: ✨ 10AM EDT / 4PM CEST ✨
Sep 25, 2024 11:57 pm
Come flame of joy, come play fellow mind!
Share yourself on today's Zoombloom!
the topic:
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10:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting ID: 828 7407 4192
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Greetings all and sending love -
At 8:44 am EST on Sunday morning Sept 22nd, The Fall Equinox is exact. Just like the Spring Equinox, for a few moments, we taste the sweetness of balance in life; equal light and equal dark before the Earth begins to pull in her arms from the robust dancing of Summer and prepares for rest. We move from the great outer expressions of summer - slowly into the start of the inner journey. The sweetness of pausing - of non-movement - of being - is arriving. The Earth looks back and notices the harvests and smiles - giving respect to the flow of life that has completed another part of her infinite journey. I find this time to be a relief - it’s okay to slow down and pause before the Earth tilts away from the sun and we prepare to cocoon in the Winter ahead.
In Celtic traditions, Mabon was known as the Witches Thanksgiving…. this was, of course, in the time of Witches being honored healers and herbalists….huge harvests were shared in the villages - eating breads and grains and the last of the summer harvests and the beginning of the fall harvests. The Celts celebrated their holidays from sundown to sundown. So if you want to join in Mabon this year, plan a feast of your liking (as close to the Earth as possible - meaning no processed foods) on Saturday night - light candles - place pinecones and greens and flowers on your tables and celebrate with gratitudes. Reach deep into your personal stillness and reflect on all you have done this year… if possible, stand on the Earth and feel your feet grow roots into the rich soil, breathing into your body the gifts of the Earth that will nourish and feed you through the Winter…. And consider what you will release throughout this fall season. What needs to be honored and set free, to make room for the seeds you will plant. Slowly, slowly each step. Mindfully forward in reverence for what has been and what dreams are waiting for you. Thank the Earth for all she has given you this year - every bite of food, every drop of water, every moment of Awe (South) and every moment of Prosperity (East).
As we move to the Fall season, we turn the Celtic Wisdom Wheel another quarter turn and face into the West. In the West we welcome the teaching of Knowledge. The hidden gift in this teaching is Wisdom and the way we moved between the two is Surrender. The West asks us to be both good students and good teachers.
I was talking to a very honored fellow traveller last week about these concepts in the West. She is a gifted teacher of little beings and has recently moved into a role of mentoring new teachers. Not an easy task or transition…. You see, the new teachers are walking into classrooms with quite a bit of Knowledge. I remember those days of feeling quite full of myself and wanting to go prove myself…times when I would say “I don’t need any help”. And here is this mentor - full of Wisdom from walking the walk for so many years, so eager to share this Wisdom - both wanting to make a difference and yet - chitty chitty bang bang - the sound of heads knocking together…. “How” my friend asked, “how do I reach them when they are so resistant to what I can offer them?” The Celtic Wisdom Wheel would say that it must happen with both sides walking into the field of Surrender. Where both are Teacher (Wisdom) and both are Student (Knowledge).
Rumi has a poem called Surrender that says:
Very little grows on jagged rock.
Be ground. Be crumbled.
So wildflowers will come up
where you are.
You have been stoney for too many years.
Try something different.
How have we gained Knowledge and gleamed the bounty of Wisdom - and then become stoney? A deep question…the Celtic Wisdom Wheel is alive - infinite - always in motion taking us along with the Earth's infinite rhythm. Wisdom must do the same, coming back to surrender over and over, releasing all that no longer serves us so we can welcome the deeper insights.
So as the leaves begin to Surrender and release and drift to the ground below…As we welcome the Fall, consider carefully what seeds you wish to plant and where you are planting them, knowing that in the Spring these seeds will bloom and create the next years harvest
What do you need to Surrender? What needs to be cleared away so the seed has rich pure soil in which to be planted? Where have you been stoney and need to crumbled?
What Knowledge are you seeking at this point in your life? Are you willing to carve the Wisdom from your experiences and teach this Wisdom for the greater good of all? Can you feel into the Student and Teacher being present in the same space - present in you?
What do you want to gather around you to nourish and feed you as we, as with all of nature, prepare for the resting and inner journey ahead?
I wish you all a beautiful harvest as we continue on this journey!
GIN from Ruthee From Martha
MAR 27, 2025 AT 1 PM AWST
Samas Cottages, Jalan Bisma, Ubud, BALI
Yvonne Teoh Bource
Shaman, Author, Intuitive Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor
HEALING/PEACE MEDIATION Groups of people worldwide are meditating for 15 minutes on SUNDAYS 2:00 pm EST, Self lead. Please join us - even for 5 minutes - let us all Meditate for Peace!!
Thank us all for sharing the Good Gospel of Feeling Based Relating, Nature Based Wisdom & Community Connection!
Nature Based Radical Human Ecology