In today's episode of Pat's Film Club Movie Pick of the Day, we're diving into the 1980 comedy classic "Private Benjamin," featuring the incomparable Goldie Hawn. This unexpected global hit not only showcases Hawn's Oscar-nominated performance but...
Friday July 12th Our Horror Night returns with a thrill-packed two hours of Korean Zombie Insanity! At 8.30 pm Horror Night Returns with a Modern Classic! Following the thunderous success of our Texas Chainsaw Massacre screenings, Pat’s Film Club is...
Sunday June 30th Don’t miss two classic ‘bomb disposal’ thrillers in a super-intense double feature. Book early to secure your spot and be part of the action! At 6pm juggernaut First up, delve into the intense suspense of Juggernaut, Richard Lester’s...
Friday 14th – Sunday 16th June Pat’s Film Club spreads its wings with a second night per month in Truro dedicated to Horror and EIGHT new venues for this screening! THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE Perhaps the most famous (infamous?) horror film of the...
Sunday May 26th How far would you go, what would you do, to make your way home? THE WARRIORS plus DELIVERANCE Experience the thrill of the chase and the fight for survival. Book early to secure your spot and be part of the action! This month, ste...
Sunday April 21st Have a monstrously brilliant Slice of “Saturday Night [Live]” with this foot-stomping, show-stopping double bill. LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS plus THE BLUES BROTHERS Join me this month for a brilliant double-bill of 80s classic movie...
Sunday February 18th Revisit one of the seminal double features of the late 70s with Alan Parker’s Prison Break Drama MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and Robert DeNiro in Martin Scorsese’s classic TAXI DRIVER This month, we delve into the harrowing depths of Al...
Sunday February 18th Embrace love’s eccentricities with this gorgeous double-bill celebrating two exceptionally Quirky relationships. It’s a perfect post-Valentine’s delight! Join us for a heartwarming and offbeat cinematic journey as we celebrat...