In today’s episode of Pat’s Film Club Pick of the Day, we take a deep dive into the 2014 biopic Love & Mercy, directed by Bill Pohlad. This emotionally charged film presents a dual narrative of the life of Brian Wilson, the creative genius...
In today’s episode of Pat’s Film Club Pick of the Day, Pat dives into Alfonso Cuarón’s dystopian thriller Children of Men(2006). Set in a bleak future where humanity faces extinction due to global infertility, the film follows Theo Faron (Clive...
Summary: In this episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman delves into the classic political thriller "All the President's Men," directed by Alan J. Pakula. This 1976 film stars Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford as Washington Post.....
Sunday September 1st Celebrate Pat’s Film Club’s 2nd Birthday with two stunning classics – the complete Blade Runner story . Book early to secure your seat! Blade Runner is one of my very favourite films, and it’s one of the most-requested titles for...
In this episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman dives into the 1994 sci-fi action film "Timecop," starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Directed by Peter Hyams, this movie blends time travel with martial arts, featuring Van Damme as Max...
#### Summary: n this episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman celebrates the iconic British film "Chariots of Fire." This Oscar-winning classic, written by Colin Welland and directed by Hugh Hudson, explores the true story of two.....
In this captivating episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, join host Pat Kelman as he delves into the timeless masterpiece, Francis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather." Known for its powerful storytelling and stellar performances, "The Godfather" is....
In this gripping episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman takes you through the harrowing true story of J.A. Bayona's "The Impossible." Join us as we explore the intense drama faced by a young family caught in the midst of the 2004...
Friday August 16th Pat’s Horror Film Club returns with Wes Craven’s classic 1977 shocker. A “normal” family find themselves stranded in the desert and are besieged by nuclear-poisoned cannibals. Friday August 16 @ 8.30 in Truro –Friday AUGUST 23 – SU...
In today's episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman dives into the 1962 adventure epic "Mutiny on the Bounty," starring Marlon Brando and Trevor Howard. Discover the gripping story of the infamous 1789 mutiny aboard the HMS Bounty....