In today's episode of Pat's Film Club, we dive into the 1987 action sci-fi classic, Predator, directed by John McTiernan. This film pits a team of elite soldiers, led by Arnold Schwarzenegger, against a deadly extraterrestrial hunter in the depths of...
In today's episode of Pat's Film Club, we delve into Duncan Jones's critically acclaimed sci-fi masterpiece, Moon (2009). This haunting film takes us on an emotional journey with Sam Bell, portrayed by Sam Rockwell, as he faces the psychological chal...
In today’s episode of Pat's Film Club, we dive into the thrilling prehistoric adventure of The Land That Time Forgot(1975), directed by Kevin Connor. This classic British sci-fi film transports viewers to a forgotten island where dinosaurs still roam...
Exploring Luc Besson’s Valerian: A Sci-Fi Spectacle of Epic Proportions In today’s episode of Pat's Film Club, we venture into the visually stunning and ambitious world of Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017), directed by Luc Besson. B...
In this episode of Pat's Film Club, we dive deep into the mind-bending sci-fi classic Total Recall (1990), directed by Paul Verhoeven. Join Pat Kelman as he explores the thin line between reality and illusion in this action-packed, thought-provoking...
Description: In this episode of Pat’s Film Club Pick of the Day, Pat Kelman takes us back to the electrifying world of 1980s England through the lens of Gurinder Chadha's heartwarming and inspiring coming-of-age film, Blinded by the Light. The film i...
In today’s episode of Pat’s Film Club Pick of the Day, we take a deep dive into the 2014 biopic Love & Mercy, directed by Bill Pohlad. This emotionally charged film presents a dual narrative of the life of Brian Wilson, the creative genius behind...
In today’s episode of Pat’s Film Club Pick of the Day, Pat dives into Alfonso Cuarón’s dystopian thriller Children of Men(2006). Set in a bleak future where humanity faces extinction due to global infertility, the film follows Theo Faron (Clive Owen)...
Summary: In this episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman delves into the classic political thriller "All the President's Men," directed by Alan J. Pakula. This 1976 film stars Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford as Washington Post r...
In this episode of Pat's Film Club Pick of the Day, host Pat Kelman dives into the 1994 sci-fi action film "Timecop," starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Directed by Peter Hyams, this movie blends time travel with martial arts, featuring Van Damme as Max...