Make Space For Grace (+ 30 Days Of Yoga Sign Up!)

Dec 20, 2020 12:01 pm

Darling ,

Hello from Texas, a cozy little spot this weekend, where I am celebrating my sweetheart in an intentional way for his birthday.

This time of year can be a blur for me, with the 30 Day Yoga Journey in production, truly a million elements sorting in their place. But of all years, I am really taking pause to not get too inundated with the to do list. Instead, I am choosing to make space for grace, and really relish in intentional time with my loved ones. 

I feel myself almost weepy with gratitude for my communities and the presence of support and connection felt, even while we are physically apart. This community, our Kula, has always sparked a magic that reminds me, I am never alone.

I hope you know, your seat is warm and always here for you in this community. 

In fact, you are my hero. 

I am feeling you right now. This community. So hard. 

The love. The returns you make back. 

Each day. Sometimes every day. 

The listening to your body’s call for attention, nurturing. 

Your soul’s longing for a deep… slow… breath. 

The kindness you ignite from your insides…

And then spread all over the internet in support of your fellows.

The other person, there, and there, 

And all over. 

A rich feeling of owning your journey, 

A hero. 


In case you missed it, here is your invitation to join us for BREATH - A 30 DAY YOGA JOURNEY. 

Click here to read more and sign up for free! We begin Jan 1st! (The yoga actually starts Jan 2nd, okay?) 

Our REST series continues on the FWFG APP. I have just dropped a new practice titled DEEP SLEEP. Click here to learn more, and start your free trial if you feel pulled. 


Deep Sleep

On the calendar today, an older video from 2013, I was on steroids for a surgery I had on my vocal chord. Wow. What perspective for me to see this video, if I am honest. 

But we were still showing up to share practice together, and my how far we have come. 

Yoga for Healthy Digestion

Your seat is warm and ready. Let’s settle in? 

Make space for grace. 

I will see you on the mat. 



PS: Even if you are signed up for this love letter, you must sign up for the BREATH - 30 Day program list. This will allow me to send you your free calendar on 12/31! Click here to sign up now! 

DUE TO VOLUME, we can't respond to all the emails we receive. However, if you have a question, please visit our help page here. You might find the answer you are looking for already listed there. If not, you can contact us directly through the contact form on that page and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
