Still a VLOGGER - Surprisingly

Jan 17, 2021 12:31 pm

Dear ,

Today marks the halfway mark of BREATH- A 30 Day Yoga Journey. 

I simply do not have the words to describe how incredible it is to experience the comments on the YouTube videos for this particular series. 

It makes me smile, it makes me cry, it compels me to giggle, and gives me hope. 

If you EVER seek a newfound solace or gentle motivating push, check in on the comment section of any video in this series and you may just be pulled to practice, for your self, and maybe even for the world. 

It is never too late to start this year’s 30 Day Yoga Journey. This program is a combination of video and text, both sent via email when you sign up for free at

Our first Find What Feels Good Members’ Vlog of the new year is now up on the app

If there is one thing that is for sure it is that in just two weeks of the new year we have been reminded of what we already knew was true - the world did not change at midnight on Jan 1st. 

But with regular practice and a commitment to doing the work on the mat, we can equip ourselves to bring our full presence off the mat.

I used to video blog on YouTube but decided to keep the channel fully focused on offering free yoga practices, and take this sort of intimate and personal conversation off the mat, over to a more comfortable and safe space for this kind of reflection.

I keep it fun, but sometimes, as this last 12 months has shown me, I feel heavy and have to show up honestly with what I’ve got.

Now in my monthly FWFG members’ vlogs, I check in with the community and connect in real time. I usually speak about our community intention for the month, our calendar theme, give a heads up about upcoming virtual events, projects, or new series, PLUS I like to include a little poetry at the end. 

Thank you for sharing your practice with me and for seeing this practice as one that can lift us, teach us, and transform us. 

Thank you for seeing it as a practice that can help us understand and get to know ourselves better so that we can offer the same caring gesture to our neighbors. 

For those interested, you can explore the app via a free 7-Day trial, or join for just $9.99/month.

Sending love to all, with a special high five to my friends practicing with BREATH this month. I hope you are enjoying this series and feeling its depth. I know I felt it as I built it, and it is still carrying me now. 

Remember the hardest part is showing up. See you on the mat. 



PS: The Breath Pop Up Shop is open till 2/28 and features work from independent artists I love, printed on demand with renewable energy.

PPS: Here is a fun Spotify Playlist I made to celebrate the halfway mark of BREATH - A 30 Day Yoga Journey! 

DUE TO VOLUME, we can't respond to all the emails we receive. However, if you have a question, please visit our help page here. You might find the answer you are looking for already listed there. If not, you can contact us directly through the contact form on that page and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
