Nov 29, 2020 12:00 pm

Dear ,

Consider this a perfectly shaped droplet, won’t you?

Dropping down into your lap, 

Through the screen, 

In toward your eyes, 

And down

Into the lap of your heart. 

It’s almost December. 

For me, that means taking a precious pregnant pause for reflection. 

I sit up tall and reflect, rolodex style, on the last 9 months of 2020.

My spine crumples, a little. 

Then a breath. 

Take one with me? 




Shoulders downnn. 

And my heart lifts again. 


Please join me for today’s featured practice, Anchor In Hope. 

This practice is an invitation to trust. Just as we condition and strengthen our bodies, so too can we condition and strengthen our sense of trust and hope.

This is a quick flow, 18 minutes, to cultivate fresh energy and release anything stagnant. 


Anchor in Hope

And, now, your December plans!

Another droplet, if you will. 

Please join us for a month of yoga with the YWA Yoga Calendar. (ALL FREE, no gimmicks, no registration or cc required.)

This month’s free offering is an invitation to center your practice around the theme HONOR.

As we enter the end of 2020, we may naturally contemplate on what serves us most as individuals, and as a community at this time. We landed on the action of honoring as a tool for healing and growth, but also as a way to recognize and acknowledge the courage, resilience, and even perseverance that this year has asked us to procure. 

When I asked the community what they wanted to Honor in the month of December 2020, I received a beautiful, powerful, and overwhelming response that read quite simply, “myself.”

Others shared further on honoring the time and space for themselves, honoring their vulnerability, instincts, boundaries, and self worth. 

Many shared reflection on how they wanted to honor their loved ones, healthcare workers, connection with friends through a tumultuous year, community, and especially those lost this year… may they rest in peace. 

May this collection serve you in honoring your body, your mental health, your energy levels, and your ability to love yourself and serve others. 

May it guide you to honor who you are, and how far you have come this year. 

May it be an invitation to know yourself deeper, embrace solitude, hone strength in both body and spirit. And may it also be a reminder that you are never alone. 

May it help you honor where you are at each day, practicing presence, so that you may build strength, so that you may rest when you need to, slow down more, and feel both flexible and empowered. 

Click here to read more and to receive your free calendar and playlist for December.

What do you want to honor in this final month of 2020?

My truest nature honors your truest nature. 

Thank you for reading. 

Drop drop drop. 



PS: I feel hesitant to bring more attention to it, but also it feels so wrong to not say THANK YOU, so, thank you so much for your positive, kind, and utterly loving response to the New York Times Magazine feature that came out this past week that is also released in print today. I say thank you because it really is about us, about what we have built and continue to build together. I am so honored to receive your support, and to grow and evolve along side you. Stronger together. Let’s keep going.

After rain after many days without rain,

it stays cool, private and cleansed, under the trees,

and the dampness there, married now to gravity,

falls branch to branch, leaf to leaf, down to the ground

where it will disappear–but not, of course, vanish

except to our eyes. The roots of the oaks will have their share,

and the white threads of the grasses, and the cushion of moss;

a few drops, round as pearls, will enter the mole’s tunnel;

and soon so many small stones, buried for a thousand years,

will feel themselves being touched.

Lingering in Happiness

By Mary Oliver,

From Why I Wake Early

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