What Do You Think, {{contact.first_name}}?

Jan 24, 2021 12:31 pm

Dear ,

I write to you from home, surprise, an overcast day with the birds communicating outside, letting me in on all their secrets. Benji sleeps quietly, I find stillness and enjoy taking this time to send you a love letter each week. 

Many of you, my dear friends and community, are also receiving daily emails from me this month as we endeavor the 30 Day Yoga Journey, which this year has been bigger than ever. 

I am feeling proud, and tired, as we soon enter the last week of sessions. This project is a true labor of love, and in light of the past year I really wanted to bring my best to it. I set the bar a little higher, asked myself to go a little deeper, asking the same of everyone who chooses to commit to the 30 Days as well. 

I think that the sessions get better and better as they roll along. And for me, who tends to put a lot of pressure on myself, that is saying a lot. 

If you are on the journey now, don’t stop. Keep showing up. Don’t put it down. 

You are on the ride for a reason.

Let’s keep going. 

One of the most rewarding feelings is doing it in real time with everyone. Today’s session theme really focuses on how the practice of yoga is, or can be, a practice of devotion. 

A time of dedication.

To steer your attention and energy to finding conscious breath. 

When we take the dedicated time to enrich the quality of our relationship with our self we are directly influencing the quality of all other relationships. 

Can we build love and awareness within, dedicate to that, so that we can share it freely with others?

We don’t stay in our bubble of awareness - we cultivate it to expand it and share our gifts.

What do you think?

For those who are interested in BREATH - A 30 DAY YOGA JOURNEY - click here to sign up for free and get started. I advise that you not wait for the perfect scene to start. 

Just begin. 

May this letter find you at peace, may it encourage you to take a deep breath in and find your way to your daily practice, whatever it may look like today. 

Dedicate some time to being with your body, to honoring your breath. 



PS: Your free February YWA calendar is in the works! Stay tuned!

PPS: The Breath Pop Up Shop is open for a limited time only! All items in this shop are made to order, designed by incredible independent artists I love, and packaged without plastic. (Take out your art supplies because you can use your packaging as a color sheet too!) 

DUE TO VOLUME, we can't respond to all the emails we receive. However, if you have a question, please visit our help page here. You might find the answer you are looking for already listed there. If not, you can contact us directly through the contact form on that page and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.
