The Chai Times // I am Your G-d
Feb 14, 2025 6:24 pm
Shared by my colleague Rabbi Eli Block of CYP Legacy West:
The Ten Commandments (statements, whatever) famously open with “I am G-d, your G-d, who took you out from Egypt.” Hebrew has singular and plural forms of the possessive adjective “your.” In English, we can say “your G-d” whether we are talking to one person or a million people. The Sages notice that in this introduction, G-d speaks in the singular (אֱלֹקֶיךָ Elokecha), as if G-d was speaking to a single person, saying, “I'm your G-d.” But of course He was talking to several million men, women, and children.
So, why the singular? There are two pretty famous answers:
- The singular form is used to emphasize that God has a direct, personal relationship with each individual. I am your G-d, and yours, and yours, and yours. Don't feel as if you are a single, unimportant speck in this nation of several million, you don't blend in, you're not invisible. I see you, G-d says, and I am Yours, entirely.
- A more wild interpretation: G-d was speaking only to Moses! I am your G-d, Moses. Why? Because the very first of the Ten Commandments is not to have any other G-d, no idolatrous forms etc. And of course less than two months later the Jews did exactly the opposite, forming and worshipping a Golden Calf. G-d, being omniscient, knew this, and so created a loophole for Moses to take advantage of in his defense of his people. Moses could say, “G-d, you did not give them the command to not have other G-ds, you were speaking to me individually! Therefore, you cannot hold them responsible.”
That's a pretty incredible reading, G-d was giving the commandment, but phrasing it ambiguously so that there can be a legal defense for the Jewish people!
If you're still reading, you should be admiring the sheer diversity of these interpretations. The first is saying that G-d personally forged a relationship with each Jew present at Sinai. And the second is saying that G-d intentionally did not confer a personal command on the people at Sinai, only on Moses!
They seem to be absolute opposites, and yet really they are one interpretation, done in two ways: G-d loves every single Jew without exception. Therefore, G-d confers His connection upon each Jew, individually. And also, if doing so explicitly would open them to dangerous prosecution, then He won't claim to be their G-d! Whatever it takes to preserve, protect, treasure, and love every Jew.
Can we say the same?
Wishing you an uplifting week!
Rabbi Mendy & Mussy
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