The Chai Times // Summer is over, Elul is here, High Holidays next
Aug 18, 2023 6:14 pm
The White Party was beautiful - well over 200 Jewish young adults!!
Thanks again to Adam Loewy for sponsoring this beautiful event. Initial pictures here - real album coming next week.
And once the White Party passes we all know what this means: summer is over and High Holidays are around the corner.
Luckily Judaism doesn't leave us high and dry and we have a month to prepare for the new year - this month called Elul.
The Alter Rebbe taught that Elul is a precious month. For thirty days, you can find the Ultimate King (G-d!) awaiting you outside the city, on a rustic path that winds through the meadow.
What’s the advantage of meeting the King in a meadow?
When you meet the King in His palace on the Days of Awe from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, much stands between you and Him—the carpet, the throne, the royal robes, the protocol, the language you must use, the awe and magnificence of the palace…
But in the field, the King wears blue jeans. And so do you. He even greets you with a smile and expresses His delight that you came out to see Him.
Use this time. This month its informal time - just you and the King.
Wishing you an uplifting Shabbat,
Rabbi Mendy & Mussy
p.s. As always, we would love to chat with you over coffee or drinks, about Judaism, or just life - reply to this email.
YES the High Holidays are coming,
YES we will have Rosh dinner and services at YJP,
YES we will have Yom Kippur services and breakfast,
YES we will have a Sukkah and Sukkot parties and Simchat Torah!!!
All the details are coming out next week!
Did you know? YJP is not funded by any umbrella organization, not locally and not nationally (no funding from Chabad HQ). This gives YOU a great opportunity. It means that every donation has an outsized impact in creating programs and events in this community. Plus, every contribution donated stays right here in this community.
An easy way to contribute: join the Chai Society at
Not only are you having a massive impact and being a true mentch, but you also get benefits - free First Fridays and special swag.
Don't hesitate to contact us for other sponsorship and partnership opportunities.
Mazel Tov!!
Mazel tov to Jess and Matt Strebe on their wedding! They had a beautiful private ceremony at YJP and we wish a huge mazel tov in this new life together!
Mazel tov to Hirsh and Yael Bootin on the birth of a new baby boy! May he grow to Torah, Chuppa and good deeds!
Of interest:
- The Jews in Defiance of History From Stalin’s shooting grounds to the present
Miriam Malnik-Ezagui opens up to PEOPLE about her life as an Orthodox mom to four daughters and why she shares her day-to-day on social media
- The Jewish case for prison reform. What the Rebbe understood about the criminal justice system
Upcoming Events:
Make your life easy! Subscribe to the YJP Public Google Calendar and never miss an event.
Weekly Shabbat Services:
- Shabbat morning services 10:20 am
- Torah discussion and reading 11:00 am (sharp)
- Followed by Kiddush and Cholent
August 22, 29 - Kabbalah Course on Zoom with Rabbi Goldshmid - rsvp here
9/1: First Friday's September
For the Ladies: you can already get your tickets to the Mega Challah Bake
🌱 Chai Society:
Special thanks to the Chai Society members who donate monthly to support YJP events and activities.
Yankee Andrusierׁ • Ronit Baum • Carolina Bueno • Marc Cooper • Nate Firebaugh • Aviva Frank • Paulina Flasch • Matt Ford • Pavel Gitnik • Sarah Guccione • Max Goldberg • Ari & Sandra Hoffman • Noah Kagan • Ben Marchiony • Michael Nadel • Yoni Oettinger • Dafnee Orduz • Noah Sinai • Daniel Speiss • Cindy & Mark Sichel • Dustin Tropp • Chaim & Amanda Pollak • Avremi Zippel • Ian Zur
Join the monthly donors here - and support the community you love!
Together, we’re High Energy!
Shabbat Shoftim
Light your candles at 7:52 pm
in Austin, TX
Shabbat Shalom, friend!
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